Hung out with B last night, came by P's in Scott's Cherokee. After we set his basement for disaster, D came by and told us B needed to drive Scott's Cherokee back. Took 10th back to B's - more wheels less speed, although it may not have been at all slower. B has an old banana board, tested it on 7th, westside of the old skate rink. It was greatly exhilerating on a skateboard, I've bombed anything in thongs never before. We returned, and it's a bit foggy but at some point Scott reported the state of the basement, which in one word was wet.
Before returning Scott's Cherokee, we sat around the basement for a bit, I tested out B's banana board on the nice amount of uncovered cement they have. We attemted to move a washing machine that was in the middle of the area, but it was filled with water. No day for me an water, accidently splashing myself twice in two seperate circumstances, decidedly I am clumsy and indeed "water gets where water goes,"
B made multiple trips into Mac's when we were stopped, doobie with the clerk, he told some very amusing stories. His comic delay was something too. Got the feeling it was his intention, appreciated being there myself, stories or jokes still deftly amusing.