So, like. I ganked this from many people, but more specifically Sheena. Sheena, ilu bb.
Me: Raina (
aphonetic )
I Play: Kratos Aurion (
faildad )
Zelos Wilder (
dearsheena_no )
Guy Cecil (
theyesguy )
Garnet or 'Dagger' (
studiesdrama )
America/Alfred F. Jones (
me_fuckyeah )
IRC: I am on IRC pretty much all the time, unless I forget to open it. Which is next to never these days, but it does happen. Of all my chat programs, IRC is the most likely to be turned off. I'm always in the Hetalia chan (#hetaliafuckyeah) at the very least. And I tend to be nicked under 'America' or some form of that. Maybe 'Alfred' if Canada and I are goofing off in chan with our pillow fights. o/
Alternatives: AIM. AIM, AIM, AIM. The best, and probably FOREVER best way to get my attention and to get it IMMEDIATELY is to IM me on AIM. I'm available at fated sound and will always respond immediately-- unless I am idle. Which happens a lot. In general, I'm bad about putting away messages up.
Style: SOB I am one of those rare people who WILL IM people first if I really want to talk to them. I do this all the time. ;o; No one loves meeeeeeee!!! Anyway, because of this, I tend to have twenty billion and a half IMs open. This creates a rare and wonderous condition called 'chat ADD.' Basically, I tend to get distracted or miss IMs entirely and drop the conversation. DO NOT LOSE HOPE!! Just keep pinging/IMing me and I will eventually go, "CRAP SOMEONE IS TRYING TO GET MY ATTENTION." It's not a personal thing-- trust me. I get ADD'd on conversations with my closest friends.
So far as I know, they don't hate me yet. (... sheena, you still love me, right?)
Crit: I guess I should be honest and say that I only really, really like crit for the muses I am most comfortable with. Because then I tend to play them out without thinking and that can definitely backfire on me. However!!! DO NOT BE AFRAID TO LEAVE CRIT FOR ANY OF MY CHARACTERS. They ALL have crit posts, which are marked with either a *concrit or a *hmd tag. I kind of lost my sense of continuity somewhere.. uh... back then. Damn, lost where I was going with this.
Timezone/Scheduling: CST, and most of my playing tends to be in the evening. Around 6-ish, unless I have a night class. I tend to stay up until 12am CST, since that's my self-imposed bedtime. If I'm really having fun, I'll stay up as late as 2 without hating myself in the morning.
Playing Frequency: It really depends on my homework load. If you want to do something small or at my pace, I will basically play with you just about any time you ask. But for right now, I'd say I'm a moderate/rare player. But, it is end of the year crunch and I am taking 19 hours.
Replying Speed: I tend to reply within a minute unless I am overwhelmed/busy. If I am otherwise free and take longer than 10 minutes to respond, you should definitely poke me and remind me to tag. If it's been that long, I'm stuck on what to say and am assuming we're at a good stopping point... Or I ADD'd.
Thread Dropping: I am TERRIBLE about thread dropping, I will admit it. I always mean to get back to threads, but when it gets past a certain point in time, I feel like it's been too long to pick the thread up again. If I drop, it's because I got overwhelmed somewhere along the line, which isn't really all that hard to do to me. :( Or, of course, I ADD'd. I will pick up any thread asked of me, just. BE PERSISTENT. I am not kidding about my epic ADD and how it is nothing personal.
Thread Pickup: .. I guess I answered this up there! \o/ EVERONE DO THE MAMBO.
Comfort Levels: I don't really know what makes me uncomfortable until I get there. I'm pretty zen about most things as long as I can see them coming. So, I guess surprises make me uncomfortable? So, if your character is about to do a 180 in attitude change, let me know so I won't freak out! o/
I mean, no. Seriously, thread with me. I am usually excited that someone would even WANT to hang out with my characters, any of them.
Frequency: Moderate! Basically as long as I have an idea and am enabled in some form, I don't mind posting. As you can tell, I get inspired a whole hell of a lot with America. Sob.
Time Before a Post is Abandoned: 2-3 days. After 3 days, unless there is a specific thread I am BOUND AND DETERMINED to see the end to, I figure the post is good enough to be laid to rest.
New Canon: ... I am actually not the best person to pimp to, especially anime and live action series. Anything that can't be streamed/must be downloaded will probably instantly turn me off because I am extremely wary about how much space I have on my laptop. However, if you can pimp me manga? I'm all for it. Or even TV shows! (Still working on getting into Doctor Who, okay.) OH. AND GAMES. I love gaaaaameeeees. But yes. Please, give me new things to get into! I can't say FOR SURE what I'll be into, because my tastes tend to be really random-- but I guess if it's a bit dark, I'll probably like it. Hetalia is the only exception to this rule, and it pings me in my major.
AUs: Y. I am open-- run what you want to do by me, and chances are, I will agree.
Betaing: YES. I will beta for you if you need it! I'm good for running humor by. I can beta humor, I just can't write it in my own apps. :( How sad is this? Anyway, my email is in all my journals, and if you give me enough time to look over your app, whether I am canon blind or not, I will do my best for you!