Nov 03, 2007 07:41
you crazy crazy year
I think its time to recap
even though there is alot of unfinished business with this year
two more months before the closeout
i expect more craziness out of you
ok well lets begin
january it begins....
ashleigh moved down to live with me and we all know how that turned out, she stayed a total of like 2 weeks
and i ended up punching her in the head several times
:) we are still friends...
leo, entered my life, a smelly little flea ball
and he was the love of my life
also this month i lost another part of me...
and begins the story of me and andy's demise....
oh, and i began working at tuttle...
february, is kinda foggy, it always is, i dont know why
by now nhi is living with me, and me and andy are falling apart
i get a washer and dryer for valentine's day, and this is about the time me and ash become cool again...
by this time my life is so completely out of control
and im depressed
march, im back at winn
but after i take an awesome trip to cali to visit my brother
amazing time! me and jimmy went to san diego
but when i return
i am right back in my place of
misery and pain
and i find out about harmony,
andy cheated....
every day i wake up and i wish i didnt
im in all kinds of trouble at work
because i stop caring about everything
and i cry pretty much every day
andy leaves for iraq this month...
i cant remember much,
im talking to andy on the phone alot
and im also kinda talking to a new guy named donnie, who
is pretty much a wacko
andy is trying to make everything better
and im in so much misery
i am a huge disaster
a big mess
ash and emma come to visit me
the apartment is destroyed by this time