
Mar 11, 2005 12:41

i've been having a lovely week here, the weather has been sunny and mid 70s every day. wonderful skirt weather. many of the streets in todd's neighborhood are unpaved, and happiness here has been walking to campus, my shoes crunching gravel as the cool breeze drifts up my skirt and the sun illuminates the cherry blossoms. we did a lot of hiking initially, around portland and at the ocean, about an hour away. the middle of the week was dominated by todd being squashed by homework, and there were times i was abandoned. mostly we've had a lovely time, i think.

we went to this thai restaurant last night, this really tiny hidden place. it isn't open sundays or mondays, and the rest of the time only 6-9pm. it is owned and run by a couple, the husband is the waiter/host/dishwasher and the wife is the cook, everything to order. it was really superb. everything was fresh, delicate and really subtle. todd's food was almost too hot for him, and certainly too hot for me. but beneath the heat was a really great flavor. it was less like a restaurant, and more of a nice fancy dinner party for 2.

and oh! my dad sent me an email, and the owner of coffee & was charged with arson and insurance fraud! they said he burnt his own coffeeshop/house down. craaaazy shit.

we made homemade paneer (indian cheese) and things are happy. i (and todd) took many pictures which i will upload and post probably when i get back. but god i don't want to go back. i checked the weather, it is 30 and snowing in pittsburgh today. i love the feel of this city (or at least what i've experienced thus far) i just wish it wasn't so far from my family.
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