Nov 23, 2010 22:12
I demand that Ryan Murphy write every episode for the rest of the season. .Because when Ryan Murphy writes, he projects, and when he projects, he makes AWESOME.
Furt was the greatest episode. Ever. Seriously, the other twenty nine have NOTHING on this one. It was so freakin epic that I have to abuse my large size and bolds and italics and caps.
Kurt. Was freaking adorable. He was so cute and vulnerable and I love love loved it to death. I want more adorable Kurt right now, man. Right now. (Or next week. /Daltonuniformfetish)
Kurtchel. Was present. Rachel was perfect in staging her intervention (didn't I say a few posts back that I demanded an intervention? Yeah, here we go. /loveyouRM) and it was heartwarming and tearjerking. I love me some Kurtchel, dammit, and this was wonderful. ♥♥♥
Kinn (which I will now resort to calling Furt, just because Finn used it). It was perfect. Finn got called out on his lack of protection for Kurt, and then, and then, and then when I was so ready to hate him with a burning passion I can only call religious (/Bradstoryref; "The Sad Life of Brad the Piano Guy" on by Victoria1127), he went and danced with Kurt. Granted, the Bruno Mars cover(s) was(were) as bad as I knew they were going to be, but it didn't even matter because he touched Kurt. Like, he actually touched him instead of acting like he was going to catch the gay and that -- gasp -- someone would see them interacting. Oh boy, the Kinn fics are going to be running rampant. And I will be reading them. ♂♥♂
Kuinn. Was brief -- actually, pretty much nonexistant -- but was kinda there when Quinnie was there for the intervention, and then she asked Kurt what he was talking about when he said he was leaving (that was her, wasn't it?)
Kurt-Sueness. Perfect. Absolutely perfect. I always kinda figured Sue had a soft spot for Kurt (too many fanfics /fangirl), but this was stunning. Seriously. Sue showing affection for someone that's not Jean or Becky (who I love as her personal assistant) is adorable. And I loved her offers of nickname options. ;D Porcelain and Tickle Me Dough Face. (If anyone remembers the first one, please tell me, 'cause I missed it. oTL) ... Tickle Me Dough Face. OHGOD. Kurt totally fits as a Porcelain, though. ♥ (And she let him CHOOSE. How awesome is that? /heartheartheart)
Hummelllllllls. The scenes with Kurt and Burt dancing were too precious for words. I think I melted a little bit. And. When Kurty told Papa Bear that Karofsky threatened his life -- HOBOY. It was totally a 'Wait, whut?" moment on Finnegan's part, rightfully so. And then Burt being three seconds away from taking his elusive flamethrower to Karofsky's house was freakin fantastic. <33 And THANKYOUBURTY for calling Finnegan out on "Where were you during all of this?". <33 Because obviously he was too busy praying to grilled cheese and touching Rachel's goodies jahoobs to help his adorable lady fabulous stepbrother.
Changel. OHLORD. I'm partial to any Kurt-ships, but after this episode I totally want Changel. YESSS. Because Mikey was supercute shouting at Karofsky and taking the first hit. Granted, all the stags were supermegafoxyawesomehot protecting Kurt, but especially Mike. ♥♥♥ And he got a surprising amount of lines. I appreciate it immensely. :,D
Kurtina. Is it just me, or was Tina superamazing in this episode? Her quiet bashing of Finn "All the guys did...except for Finn" was damnnear perfect, and I was ecstatic to see that she was actually jealous of the Brartie. And don't tell me otherwise, Asian Fusion shippers. (The preview showed Tina with pigtails talking to Arite; obviously she's trying to win him back by imitating Brittany, the way that Artie did with Mike.)
Kartie. Maybe it doesn't help that I was reading a lot of Kartie fanfics before Furt came on, but I totally saw it. Artie was BA when he was in the locker room with the other stags, and I LOVELOVELOVED it to death. ♥
Kurtcedes was severely lacking, but the two of them dancing was perfect, so I forgive, I forgive. (Somehow I get the feeling RM doesn't like 'cedes so much...they're always letting her play the racism card and I find it hard to believe that I'm the only one that grates on. :p)
Klaine was there in spirit only. But I"m okay with that because HELLO Dalton. <333333 Next week is Sectionals -- I don't like Hey Soul Sister, but I will if Kurty sings it. ;D
Kurtofsky is still godawful, and whatthehellman? Maybe Kurt likes him is his excuse for Kurt "making it up"? Yeahno. And why the hell did he take that stupid wedding topper? Ummmmmmmm....yeah, I don't even know what to say to that other than the blatantly obvious WTF?
Kill was there!!! Kudos to Schuester for finally getting off his lazy butt and doing something to help beautiful Kurty. ♥ I'm pleased. x.x
PURT. Puck was there for the intervention. He offered to be a secret service thingy for Kurt. That is the sweetest thing I can ever remember from Puck, and I love love love love love Mr. Misogyny right now. Even if he was a douche in NBK. Because being nice to Kurt makes up for all of that and more. :,D
Hevans. Okay. Sam's a little bit creepy. Proposing to Quinnie after, um, six weeks? Yeah, not cool man. And the manorexia is still going strong* and is becoming less hot because he didn't take off his shirt this episode. :( The popularity bug is back, and that would bother me -- if he hadn't taken a very hot black eye for Kurty. And he proceeded to reassure Kurt that they'd protect him. /melts
Overall. Good night for Kurtsies. Me and le sister spent a good halfhour just fangirling about it. I'm pretty sure my dad suffered through it, but he loves us enough to put up with it, I figure. ;D
Ryan Murphy. Seriously. ILY.
"My bowels have better moves than you."
*-- Wording courtesy of le sister.
Oh my lanta.
How did I forget this?
Okay. Marrying yourself is the best idea ever. It's kinda amazing, and I'm jealous that I didn't think of it first. But OHMYLANTA. I love Sue for that. She married herself. I am disappointed that Becky was not present for the ceremony, buuuuuut...I forgive, because Jean was adorable as always. And Sue had the greatest cake topper ever. And her dress was so Sue-chic that...that it was really Sue-chic. /wordingfail
char:taking a flamethrower to this place,
ship:i've been there,
char:everything's fine - but it's not,
char:stranger bitch mcdouchefuck,
ship:someone special?,
ship:we're done talking,
ship:you and me man,
ship:we shouldn't be saying this,
char:can't sing,
char:gold stars are kinda my thing,
ship:i'm so freaking sorry,
char:making it rain,
char:checking out sam's ass,
ship:my boy kurt,
char:i just want someone to love me,
season two,
ep:especially sam,
char:it's called being sassy,
ship:you. are. a hater,
carole hudson,
char:i'm in love with myself,
char:eat your heart out kate middleton,
char:you think this is hard?,
char:a guy who has stepped in it,
ship:hope that dies in a cage,
ship:we are gonna win this,
series:ironic show choirs,
person:i dated them,
ship:it's because we have you,
char:dear grilled cheesus,
ship:try not to scream like a girl