You are just too great.
EDIT 2: Alright! Now that I've finished watching both seasons, I take back the above comment. I love Suzaku. And I love this series. So now I'm going to go make icons. -still sad about lelouch-
EDIT 3: Now that I've calmed down a bit, I can provide a full post about my thoughts on the show without talking about any spoilers! If you want to read my thoughts, click the link below because this post is long now.
So after watching the first season, I was like "I hate you, Suzaku." and I continued to have that thought through the second season UNTIL near the end where I began to like him again (I say again because I loved Suzaku in the beginning). It's an on/off kind-of thing for me with Suzaku. YET with Lelouch, no matter what he did I couldn't not like him. I don't know why but he was just too great. And really hot. Suzaku is too but y'know, Lelouch has that evil-cool-I'm-badass thing going on that I think is super attractive in Anime characters..... don't judge me.
By the middle of season two until the end, I started raging because there were so many misunderstandings and dumb moments where I couldn't help but repeatedly yell "IS EVERYONE DUMB IN THIS SHOW?!" Ugh, it was horrible. I just couldn't understand why they were all so stupid. But everything was okay in the end (but at the same time not really because the last episode made me weep for a good ten minutes. it had to happen but I'm just so sad it did!). The ending was bittersweet.
That pretty much sums everything up. I liked a lot of the characters because they were all pretty great in their own way whether for their amusement or badass-ness but my favourite forever will probably be Lelouch. Then Suzaku 'cause although he was annoying most of the time, he just wanted to do the right thing. And he's hot. And for what happened near the end of season two.
A NOTE ABOUT THE UPCOMING BATCH OF ICONS ~ The next batch so far will have icons of: episode 1 of Code Geass S1, episode 1 of Vampire Knight S1, and episode 2 of Kaichou wa Maid Sama. I'm making some Taylor Swift icons right now for round ten in
taylorchallenge so whenever I'm allowed to, I'll post those over at
honey_teax ! For now, please wait for the next batch which will be out by the end of the week. :)