oh god school why (and other things)

Oct 18, 2011 22:25

School's not fun. Aside from hanging out with friends, classes kill me. Especially since I'm now in my last year, I have to get better grades in order to get into post-secondary school except I'm not even sure what I want to do since it's always changing!

To be honest, I've always wanted to be a singer/performer that has concerts but uh, my singing isn't the greatest..... and it doesn't help that I have like, not motivation when it comes to anything so I didn't even motivate myself to take lessons a part from Vocal class at my school which I dropped in order to finish some other required classes. I then considered going into Graphic Designing since I really like that, but graphic designing as a job is more geared towards posters and promotion, isn't it? I like making graphics of icons, layouts, TCG things, etc. of my favourite anime/manga series and coding can be fun too. I wouldn't mind doing what I'm doing now as a job but that's not possible is it?

GOD THIS POST IS SO DEPRESSING. CAN I JUST MARRY SOMEBODY RICH AND DO WHATEVER THE CRAP I WANT?! I'm even down for living with my parents for the rest of my life right now................... like I'm just so unmotivated to do anything >.>

On another side, I've also considered opening an Asian strip mall consisting of: a Noodle Shop, a Bubble Tea shop, a Karaoke bar, a Korean BBQ Restaurant, an Internet Cafe, and one of those really cute stores that sells a lot of random novelty asian things??? That'd be pretty cool, not going to lie. And I've seriously considered this, people. I have a little to much time on my hands

In other non-depressing news, I am SO SO SO close to finishing up Drawings! Too bad Adobe/Photoshop is being a jerk to me and doesn't want to work properly. Why does this have to happen at such a crucial time?! I want to get this TCG open and running because I have a lot of ideas + events to implement but damn, Photoshop's really trolling me ;______;

I'm also working on the side on some other side projects, but they aren't really a priority and more of things I work on leisurely whenever I have time and am in the mood. But I am excited about them!

I wish I had some Anime/Manga news to talk about but uh, nothing is coming up right now. My anime-watching life has come to a standstill since Uta no Prince-sama and Ao no Exorcist ended as I haven't been TOO pulled into any of the new shows and I haven't caught up in any of the shows I've already started/plan to watch. The only show I watch when new episodes are out as Chihayafuru because it has pretty art and Miyano Mamoru♥ But I do want to check out some other new shows this season since a lot of them looking interesting!

I also got my brother into Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica and he finished watching that in a couple of days. I watched it with him and I still cried even though I already knew what was going to happen from watching in the first time. I mean, MAMI WHHHHHYYYYYYY T_T

OH does anyone know how to convince my mom to let me buy things online? I really want to but a Starry*Sky ~In Sweets~ figure of Yoh but my mom doesn't want to pay $30 for it (shipping, the figure, etc.) and neither her or myself know how to work Paypal. Also, how do you buy things from Japanese sites? I want to buy the utapri voice book but IDK how it works; is it like a regular online store except it costs more to ship from Japan to Canada (if they even ship there) or what? I'M SO CONFUSED. I JUST WANT TO BUY SOME THINGS! It's not even a lot :(

And to wrap things up, my birthday is in a few weeks!!! I'm turning 17 and I'm having a party at a bowling alley with an arcade, bumper cars, and food? It sounds kind of childish but man, I really love that stuff. Not that I'm not great at bowling but y'know............. SO THAT'S IT FOR NOW! How'd ya'll like me jumping around everywhere? Is anyone even reading? I don't know!

BUUUUT, follow me on twitter @moonpillows and on tumblr under the same name, por favor!♥

!unrelevant, !school, !life, !tcg, !random, !rants

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