Title: Living with the Devil
Pairings: Jaeho, Yoosu
Rating: PG-13.
Warnings: Language
Length: 4/20?
Genre: Romance, Humor
A/N: Cross-posted at jaeho_detox
Summary: (AU) , Jaejoong has a new college roommate.
01 02 03 Chapter 4: Safe, away from all these stupid questions
“Yoochun, why did you let Jaejoong live with your cousin-especially if your cousin could put Jae in danger?” I ask on our car ride home.
“What do you mean?” He questions in return, starring at me with wide eyes as if feigning innocence. This time, I don't fall for his bait.
“Well, for one,” I explain, “Jung Yunho seems as if he wants to bite Jae’s head off. Today, if that woman hadn’t stopped him, he would’ve probably punched Jae in the face. Not only that, the whole ‘fan girls’ concept makes me feel a bit uneasy…”
“Oh, it does? Then it’s a good thing you aren’t in his shoes.” He’s as nonchalant as ever and man does it piss me off.
“Yoochun, seriously now. Jaejoong’s like, you know. Kind of small. And it's obvious from Yunho’s frame that he's very well built.”
“Oh yeah! That’s because Yunho’s pretty good at boxing, karate, stuff like that. He’s always been a natural when it comes to sports.”
.... Come again?
“Good as in… how good?” I ask. I dreaded the answer.
“Well, he’s won some school competitions. In fact, sophomore year, he became the boxing club’s president and took them to nationals-only because it seemed ridiculous to have a freshman as a president. The whole family was really proud of them. Then, he quit all that to join soccer. At first our family was upset. But that was until he became the captain of the soccer team his final year in high school, and got a full scholarship for soccer at Jae's university.”
“You’re… kidding, right?”
“Su, didn’t you see the living room? He had a case full of trophies.” I want to argue that I'm perceptive, but not that perceptive. Though if I do recall, think I did see some large gold statue-like objects in the living room. Ack!ward.
“And you’re telling me…” I say, looking him straight in the eye, “that you set your best friend--correction, our best friend-- into living arrangements with a man who’s pretty much... deadly. And, he hates Jae’s guts.”
“If you say it like that… but Yunho’s has high tolerance. He’s pretty level headed.”
He’s lucky that we reached a traffic light, because I swear if we were on the road, I’d crash us into the next object, living or not. Today was the first day I’ve met Jung Yunho, and he not only insulted Jaejoong right off the back, but after being insulted back... Jaejoong barely managed to escape a beating.
It's obvious that two words that cannot be used to describe Jung Yunho is "level headed."
Of course, that's if you're normal. Sadly for Jae, Yoochun's not.
"I'm shocked... I thought you'd care for Jaejoong a bit more than this." I sigh, showing discontentment. "What if Jae's beautiful face gets injured, or even scarred?"
Yoochun's smile does not drop.
"Why would my boo Jae's get scarred?" But the joy in his voice is certainly gone. I feel like the temperature in the car has just dropped to zero.
"Cuz uh... well, you know," I stutter, "Yunho or his stalker girls might kill him... or something."
'Survive a little longer,' I think to myself. 'In twenty minutes, we'll drop off Yoochun and you'll be home, in a safe place.'
"Ohh, that would be a real. big. problem. But Junsu, do you really think that I would put someone in that type of danger?" I refrain from saying yes.
"Wait, scratch that. Let me correct myself. Do you think that I would put my Jaejoong in danger?"
"Then tell me, Yoochun," I frown, "what did you just do?"
"Junsu, how long have you known me?"
"For a little over a year now, but I don't see how this is relevant." I answer, but he responds with only another question.
"And how long have you known Jaejoong?"
"About the same length." Where was he going with this?
"So exactly how well do you think you know Jae?"
"Very well." I answer with no hesitation.
"And what do you know?"
"He just turned eighteen on January 26th. He's drop dead gorgeous, yet surprisingly, he's never had a girl friend. He's an all around good guy, and has two best friends: Me, and you. Eventhoughyou'retwistedashell." I slip out quietly. His face doesn't change, so I don't think he heard me, thankfully.
"That's all?" His question irks me.
"Why do you act like I don't know anything?" I ask, my irritation clearly given away by my voice.
"Maybe because that's just the case. You don't know shit." He giggles, his attention captured by the cars that pass us by.
"That's not true! Just because I'm not as close as you and Jaejoong doesn't mean that I don't know anything."
"If you really knew Jaejoong," he laughs, "you wouldn't be worried about him, but rather, Yunho."
"Well, I was, until you told me Yunho was boxing champion--"
"You're giving him too much credit. He didn't win at nationals so he can't really be called a champion." Yoochun interrupts.
"That's not the point!" I say hastily. "Jae's sharp with words but can he really handle someone lik-----"
"Kim Junsu." I gulp, but don't answer. "Jaejoong is my best friend for a reason."
"And what reason..." I hesitate to ask, "would be that?"
"Isn't that obvious?"
I tense for the fore-coming answer.
"Because he's so damn interesting!"
... And then I mentally slap myself. That's your typical Yoochun.
Was he taking me seriously?
We arrive at Yoochun's house and just as he's about to open the door, I lock them.
"Yoochun, sometimes all I can do is wonder." I say seriously. "Why don't you think of others before you do things like that? Jae's going through a hard time with his parent's divorce and if he has to move back, because of your jerk-of-a-cousin, then where will he go?" I take a deep breath. "Did you ever think about that?" He doesn't answer, but his smile is no longer visible.
"Do you ever think about other people's pain?" I continue. He unlocks his door and opens it, but remains in the car.
"I do." He responds, his smile completely gone but that's not all. It seems like he's completely dropped his guard, and I can tell my question really stirred him up inside.
"But, you have it wrong. I didn't do it to hurt Jae. I did it to get his mind off things. When Jae's alone, you know, he thinks. And when he thinks," he says. "It's never a good thing. But don't worry. I never intended on letting him hurt Jae." He turns back to me and smiles. "Because if he hurts him, I'll. Kill. Him. Tee-hee!" Evil hidden with a giggle. I guess his guard's back up. "Anyways, thanks for the ride!" He's out the door before I can get a word out, but that's Yoochun for you. He stirs up a storm and then after, he leaves your brain a mess.
I honestly can't say if the guy's a great friend or a terrible one.
I start my engine again until I hear taps on the window. I turn to look and see Yoochun motioning to roll down my window, so I do.
"Yes? Did you forget something?" I ask.
"I did!" He says. I unlock the door and he comes half way in, leaving me a kiss on the cheek.
I want to strangle him.
"What was that for?!?!"
"For the whole, 'I'm twisted as hell' comment earlier. I was gonna slap you but decided against it."
Ahh, so he did hear it, even if I slurred.
'Then do it when I say it so it makes sense,' is what I think, but don't say.
"A slap would've been better." I mumble, after I'm done disinfecting myself with my sleeve.
"So would you like both? And here I thought I was letting you off easy."
I look at him as if I want to cry, and he laughs.
"Good night Su, and thanks again for the ride home!" He slams the door, but is still leaning in my window and I have to fight the urge to drive away with his head stuck in it.
"See you in two days, when we move in together! So don't forget to pack your stuff." He says, backing away. Damn. I forgot about that.
"Oh yeah, and if you did, you know. Drive away with my head in the window like you were just thinking of doing..." he trails, "I would've killed you. That is all." He turns to walk away, giving a slight backward wave before walking to his gate. I guess I've discovered something new about my soon to be roommate. He's also knows telepathy-- which defies the laws of science. Then again, have the laws of science ever applied to that bastard?
"What's the meaning of this?!" A voice shrills from the background, waking me up. Talk about rude awakening.
"What is it, Jung Yunho?" I call sleepily, opening my door slightly.
"Why are my beautiful trophies in the trash bag?"
"So we can move them into the closet. Honestly, don't you feel a bit conceited having a whole living room filled with random trophies? The girls won't find this charming." I sigh, annoyed.
"What the girls won't find charming..." he says, pointing an angry finger at me, "are those ridiculous hamster pajamas! What in the world were you thinking bringing those to college!"
Oh hell no, he did not just make fun of my hamster pajamas.
"It's not as ridiculous as sleeping without any clothes on. Have you honestly no decency?"
Yunho turns to stone. In a minute, he runs to his room and returns with only a towel on, a blush still evident on his face. I choked back a laugh. He ignores me and walks straight to the bathroom.
It's not like I didn't understand why he was upset. But seriously, the living room was filled with neat, dusted trophies. It was ridiculous. And seeing how I wasn't planning on leaving any time soon, I wanted the place I lived in to be presentable to my company.
Wouldn't they be a bit intimidated to find that my roommate is a boxing champion?
"Don't think, just do." Yoochun suggested on the phone last night. "It's really a bit disturbing to see how conceited my cousin is. It makes me wonder if he's ever humble."
I sigh and head off to the kitchen.
There's no point of thinking on an empty stomach.
I'm so used to living alone, that I'm surprised when Kim Jaejoong points out that I'm, in fact, standing there completely naked. God, this is the type of situation that makes it awkward between roommates.
'Well, I guess I'll have to put up with it.' I think to myself, 'you can't change the past.' And while I'm in the middle of thinking this, I smell something delicious. Pancakes? I exit the bathroom, fully clothed this time, only to find the smell coming from the kitchen, or moreover, Jaejoong. I noticed he changed out of those ridiculous pajamas.
"You can cook?" I ask, amused and faking shock. He frowns and points to his apron which says, "No bitchin' in my kitchen."
"Uh, so does that mean..."
Without a word, he points to the table he set up for two, and I have to say I'm a bit touched. Maybe my roommate isn't so evil after all.
We eat breakfast quietly, and though I can't help but turn and face him once in a while. I take a moment to notice his features. Raven black hair, doe-like eyes, tall and slim figure, porcelain white skin-- it's a shame he really isn't a girl.
"Jung Yunho, it's rude to stare," he says, catching me glance in his direction. He makes it sound as if I'm a dog who's looking at a juicy steak.
"Do you know what girls would give to have me look their way?" I remark, baffled.
"Is that so?" He's not the least bit interested. "An even better topic would be, do you like the food?"
"Yes, it's good. I usually don't cook so as you can see, my fridge is pretty empty. I'm surprised you went grocery shopping."
"How do you live without cooking?" He questions.
"Uh, usually girls take turns to take me out to breakfast." I say honestly.
"Wow, talk about making a living off looks." He responds. "Is that what you do every lunch and evening as well?"
"It wasn't really my plan," I say. "The girls decided it on their own. And since it's not really hurting anyone..."
"So that girl yesterday wasn't your girlfriend, but just another girl who takes you out to dinner every so often."
"Pretty much," I say, taking my last bite of my pancake.
"So is someone picking you up for breakfast today?"
"Yeah, she should be here any moment."
As if on cue, the doorbell rang.
"I'll get it." Jae says, motioning for me to clean up my plate. "Before you leave do your own dishes." If it weren't for Yoochun and the fact that his pancake was delicious, I would've just left the plate on the table and have him do it-- no one orders me around.
"Just this once." I mutter to myself, washing my plate. It takes about two minutes, and I notice Jaejoong isn't back from the door.
And then I realize.
Jaejoong has just met another of my fan girls.
If word spreads that I'm living with a really gorgeous roommate then god only knows what'll happen.
I rush to the door only to find Kim Jaejoong and Yoon Eun Hye.
Wait, hold up, Yoon Eun Hye?
"Hey, Yoon Eun Hye, what's up?" I ask, pushing Jaejoong aside. "Is today your turn to take me out to---"
"No," she says rudely.
"Um, then what?" I'm shocked.
"Today I'm here to ask Kim Jaejoong out to eat."
My feel the world shift right beneath my feet.
"Sorry, I don't eat with my roommate's girlfriend." Jaejoong says from behind.
"I'm not Yunho's girlfriend, I'm just a classmate."
"Sorry, even so, I'm not interested in going out with my roommate's classmate."
Jaejoong pushes me aside, and moves forward, picking a lock of her hair and moving it to the side of her face. He then takes a step closer.
"Even though you're really cute," he speaks sweetly, "I don't think you should be seen with an unrefined guy like me. So please just accept my apology for today?"
She nods furiously, without even arguing back and leaves.
And I'm left in the dust for the second time.
How the hell does Kim Jaejoong do it?
Yesterday, I had a hard time convincing the girl to do anything, and here he stands, completely rejecting her, yet she leaves without another word.
"How do you put up with brainless girls like her?" He asks, sounding annoyed while closing the door.
"More like, how do you completely ignore girls like her?" I ask astonished. He shrugs.
"Then, what's your ideal type of girl?" I don't even know why I'm asking.
"Someone like Yoochun." He answers, without missing a beat and I feel my eyes widen. Yoochun's evil, abusive, and just straight up cold, and for someone to like someone like that, it can only mean one thing...
My thoughts are interrupted by the doorbell.
"This time it's probably for me." I say, walking to open the door. He nods and goes to his room.
"Yunho-oppa, are you ready?" She asks, and I sigh.
"Uh, did something happen? You seem kinda zoned."
Well, she would be too if she found out she was living with a masochist.
My oh my, was that jae!chun at the end? legasp.*
fira_went_8d, xiahnishm appears!)
Thanks again to all my lovely readers! -glomps-
That's my last chapter for a while ! :D I made it extra long, ahha.
hope you enjoy! :D<3
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