Aug 04, 2008 00:33
At about three and a half years old, Sarah, my bearded dragon, died. She hadnt been eating well for a few weeks, then stopped eating completely. I took her to the vet to see what was wrong, and we think that it was a combination of poisoning from her ingesting some of the walnut bedding in her cage which I had switched two three months ago (after hearing the calcium sand I've had her on for three years with no problems is bad for them), as well as liver problems. The two may be linked, we're not sure. It definately was not problems with parasites, the vet checked. I buried her up at my grandpa's house, where several of our pets have been buried over the years.
I'm really sad about losing her, though the fact that we tried everything we could makes me feel just very slightly better. What I dont understand is the packaging for the crushed walnut beddign says its great for bearded dragons. Obviously it's not. I want to know who is responsible for labeling what bedding is good for what animals, and what research (if any!) they did to make this claim.
I dont know if I'll get another beardy in the future or not. I love the little creatures to death, they're so cute and laid back and they have such personality, but I'd hate to cause another's death, not knowing what happened to her in the first place, and possibly being unable to avoid it the second time. If it was only the walnut bedding, or any type of bedding, someone recommended a solution to that- I'd use ceramic tiles instead of bedding- non edible at all, and easier to clean and replace. But I just dont know.
For now, her big tank is sitting just as I've had it until she died. Between working 60+ hours a week lately, and the weather on the few days I have time, I haven't been able to empty out and bleach down her cage yet.
For now, Peanut and Cricket the cockatiels, Sharkbait and George the mice, Possum the African Soft-furred rat, and Beatlejuice my teeny snake are enough to keep me busy. Before this all happened I had been dreaming of some day getting a ball python, but it's definately going to wait for at least a while. I've generally only had pets die of old age before (or complications due to old age), and having a critter die before a third of her life is over has kind of shaken me a bit. I wish I knew what happened.