20 2nd time ordering from this website.. Similar site to Queen
Bra at super low prices..sexy tops and shorts~~
我們有性感絕美夜店跑趴款~也有甜美天使夢幻系列~還有作工細緻不怕撞衫的韓國進口商品~以最實惠的價格~提供您最優質划算的美衣~☆ Fifi sexy ☆最大的希望~就是看見北鼻們~穿上我們的衣服找回真正的自己~!!
Updates: 07 Aug 2.20pm
seller sent out yst..cc098130121tw
Updates: 01 Aug 6pm
all items in stock..seller will mail out next week
Updates: 28 Jul 4.57pm
mailed cash today..ER611133622SG..$21.20 to be divided by no of participants
Updates: 25 Jul 7.37am
pauljean - pls let me know ur shoes size so i can get back to seller
Updates: 23 Jul 7.30pm
will mail cash within this few days
Updates: 20 Jul 6.18pm
order sent to seller
spree closed..waiting payment from pauljean
My Terms and Conditions :
1. No payment = No order. Only accept paid and completed orders.
2. Items will be confiscated if not collected 2 weeks.
3. Please save a soft copy of the pictures of the items you ordering in imageshack or photobucket and post the link up.
4. The transaction is final once funds are transferred.
5. Participants will bear all costs, including freight charges and taxes, incurred from the ordering process.
6. I will not be responsible if seller runs away with the $ or seller send wrong color.
7. Any screw-ups, delays n what nots, do not blame me.
8. Sprees will be cancelled if the response is not satisfactory.
By joining this spree, you are deemed to have read, understood and agree to abide by my terms and conditions listed above.
1. Website that you are ordering from
fifi sexy
2. When you will stop taking orders
capped at NT3000
3. Your email address
4. Payment details
DBS/POSB funds transfer to posb saving 125501397
(please use lj nick during transferring)
Do note that there will be 2 Payments:
1st payment = actual cost of items + $3 per item
2nd payment= excess will offset shipping and local postage
I will collect $0.50 per participant for envelopes + Scotch Tape
5. Methods of distribution
(a) Normal or registered mail (+$0.50 for envelopes and scotch Tape)
6. Exchange rate
S$1=NT 21.68
7. Shipping details
- pay by speedpost
-Direct shipping (divided by number of units)
light item like belt and bikini - 0.5 unit
clothings and shoes - 1 unit
Items will be air-mailed to Singapore
Need seller to quote for shipping by air
There might be refund/topup required after the items arrived and the actual calculations.
8. Format of order
Name/ lj Nick:
Email Address:
Account Type/No:
Item #1
Item Name:
Photobucket / Imageshack Link: (if i do not see tis link by e time i place orders, i will remove ur order)
Item No:
Colour: (in chinese)
Price in NT$:
Alternative: *for same design but diff colour only*
Total in NT$: NT$
Total in SGD$: NT$/21.68+ ($3* no. of items) = SGD$
Transaction Ref:
Updates will be done here and mass email..
Happy spreeing~~!!
frozen replies = payment received
upaid orders will be deleted