Dear Ron,
The other day as I was driving my car, a spider jumped off my rearview mirror and dangled from a web. It really freaked me out. I somehow managed to not drive off the road, grabbed the web, and threw the spider out of the window.
Do you have any suggestions for how I might prevent that from happening in the future? I want a spider-free living space.
Agonizing Over Arachnids
The thing is, Mr. Weasley thought we were sending him an actual spider, and so he ran off to hide behind Harry. But for you, we braved the Gryffindor Common Room and saw him in a rather disturbing postion on the couch with Harry to personally show him that the letter was merely a letter, and not an arachnid out to get him. While he was getting dressed gathering the courage to face what he thought was a spider, we read him your letter and this is what he said:
Agonizing over *shudder* Arachnids,
Bloody hell! Are you taking the mickey? You're asking me for advice on how to get rid of s-s-spiders?!? You're lucky you were able to throw t-the s-spider out the window! I can't even do that, let alone fight the entire population of them sp-spiders!
Bugger. I don't know how to answer this.
[Harry: Erm..maybe they can form an anti-spider association. Like how Hermione made SPEW.]
[Hermione: It's not spew!! It's S-P-E-W! How many times do I have to tell you that?!?]
[Ron: Oh yeah, sure. And look at how that turned out, Harry. But then again, maybe an Anti-Spider Fellowship wouldn't be so bad.]
All right. I think you heard Harry. He said you should create an Anti-Spider Fellowship/Association so you can fight the spiders with others. I'll be joining that if you don't mind. At least that way, there'll be a bunch of us to keep the world spider-free. And Harry can be our leader! He can teach us how to cast those spells for getting rid of spiders!
[Harry: I'll what?!?]
[Ron: Shut up, Harry. You know you'll do anything for your best friend...]
[Harry: But Ron!]
[Ron: That's it. Back to our dormitory!]
[Harry: *walks away in annoyance*]
Did I answer it right? Great.
[Okay, if this offends anyone, let me know. I'm just having fun with Ron/Harry, but they're not exactly my favorite ship. I do NOT ship Ron/Harry.
And I made my icon! Wheee! I'd rather ship Ron/Butterflies, thank you.]
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