spiderkill, the child with a sword in hand, AND apple from the shadows (HP; various; PG)

Jun 27, 2008 16:10

Hey - I come bearing three small character drabbles, not stories at all, just little spurts of thought :) They're all rather dark, actually :\ Also, they make references to spiders - based on my observations of my biggest fear, really.

Rating: PG
Genre: Dark
Disclaimer: Any characters or situations familiar to Harry Potter are property of J.K. Rowling. In "apple from the shadows," lines from the Hives' song "B is for Brutus" are used (lyrics here).

spiderkill - Tom (II) - PG - Dark - 75 words
No summary.

Tom watches as his father dies before him as a spider, eyes wide open in terror and the recognition of his own son, so like him. The man curls in the corner, so quietly, legs creating a tent above him, a funeral pyre, body giving one last shiver before collapsing entirely. He thinks how easy it would be to hold this dead spider in his palm, to crush it so simply; he smirks. How easy it is to kill.

the child with a sword in hand - Aberforth - PG - Dark - 220 words
No summary.

Aberforth always had to get the spiders for Ariana; he hated spiders. He hated them and cringed at them, but she went mad at the sight of them. Both Ariana and Aberforth hated spiders, so it seemed no surprise, then, that both Ariana and Aberforth hated Gellert. Ariana ran at the sight of him and he smirked at her fear; whenever he saw Aberforth his eyes flashed in abhorrence. Albus saw none of this, of course; only the halo atop Gellert's head.

Ariana wailed; Aberforth followed the echoes of sound. He saw her staring at a spider in the sink; it crawled along slowly. Aberforth quieted his sister and sought a means of taking it outside, as he had no desire to kill it. Even as he did, fear crept into his veins so he kept a constant eye fixed on the creature.

Ariana screeched again; it was then that Aberforth realized with a drop of his stomach that Gellert was a spider. Aberforth avoided direct contact with him, if possible, but the feeling he got that the blond would do something terrible someday was so strong he tried to keep Gellert's calculating form in his line of sight. When that spider spun his web, Aberforth had to be ready to keep Ariana from falling into it.

apple from the shadows - Peter - PG - Dark -135 words
No summary.

Who is the bigger man?

Why was James so great anyway? He was a normal boy, so flawed as anyone else -

check the figures

No, he definitely was not an extraordinary boy. Good-looking, good at Quidditch, maybe; but he was so pompous as to make up for those aspects.

"I could give you so much - think of the honor - "

Still, Peter realized he was reaching for an apple God forbade to him.

" - glory - "

Hadn't James himself said it was better to drink from the cup of sin and die young than to be saintly and die aged?

do it good, Brutus

Well, if James had said it -

time has come to do what's expected of you

"My Lord, I can tell you where the Potters live."

character: tom riddle, fandom: harry potter, character: peter pettigrew, character: aberforth dumbledore

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