o hai random post.

Sep 07, 2009 19:09

IDEK why I'm posting now. There are some things:

1. habere has been translated into French by Eryn-Chan at FFNet. Yay!

2. I've added (most of) my fic to my delicious, under the !myfic tag. I didn't add any RPF but I think otherwise I have pretty much all my fic on there (with the exception of maybe one or two that I'll get to adding later). It should be easier than using tags on LJ at any rate. -_-

3. I think that's about it. I have to write a page worth of information for my Humanities I class based on a paragraph (hardly even that, in fact) of information in my book. This is a procrastination post, basically. D: (I'm certain I'll never grow used to writing papers like this, I'm too used to analyzing!)


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