add notes?

Jul 17, 2009 23:35

So LJ added the "Add Note" feature where you tag people as various things. I decided to do this for Kiba's relationships, because WHY NOT. They're half IC!... well, some are.

autovajin: bromance&homolust
doesntjustifaiz: thank you for punching Takumi
hisstrionical: bitchwhipped roomie
rockinurzen: mancrush
osoruosoruosoru: not Mari
arrivedtoclimax: BLAZING SPIRIT, ImaginRed!
string_along: SEDUCTIVE VOICE, ImaginBlue!
makin_you_cry: UNMOVABLE BODY, ImaginYellow!
leashthedragon: plastic little bro; INCREDIBLE BREAKDANCE, ImaginPurple!
ofcygnus: PERFECT COOKING, ImaginGreen!
climaxinside: bicycle of the timestream
capslockbutler: NOT NOGAMI YOU ASSHOLE
floweringken: kinda flowery
tigerken: plays with tentacles
auragasm: watches you... r aura
count_onme: pretty cool guy
shazam_wow: a fellow Jesus♥
coffeejesus: the legendary "onee-chan"
junesdevotee: too cute to be in camp. 8(

Yeeeeeeah. I'll change them or add more as I think of them, or... can be bothered.

lol, meme, ooc

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