Another chapter begins.

Jan 01, 2010 23:25

Hey. Happy New Year!

I've spent the past week having a wonderful time with my husband at our place in Toronto. Other than that, I've been planning the new moves I'm going to make this year, both literal and figurative. I've been going through the Canadian immigration package they sent the hubby. There is a ton of reading to do. I figure I'll read the stuff for him (sponsor) and stuff for me (immigrant) because it'll be easier for me to know exactly what has to be done by the both of us. I also got a book from one of my friends called How to Move to Canada. So much reading to go through. It will probably be pre bed time reading. I am currently rereading the Sandman series during my commutes to work on the subway.

A few days of this past week was spent planning out our honeymoon. We are planning to go to Japan in March. We were making a list of all the places we wanted to go to dork out. Aside from the SHOPPING, we are hoping to check out the Ghibli Museum, the Iga-Ryu Ninja Museum, the National Science Museum and making a trip to Kobe to see the Gigantor statue. The planning went along smoothly on my brand spankin' new Mac mini setup given to me for Fishmas by the hubby. It's pretty sweet and I hate the thought of leaving it. =( It was so sad because when he presented me with my present, I didn't have anything for him. I tried getting him his gift back in New York, but was pretty much told to suck it. I did end up getting him two presents during the week and am on the hunt for a third.

I also have spent a ridiculous amount of time reading This guy is my new hero. I've been reading his motivational articles and have started to make plans for what I'm going to do in Canada and the rest of my life for an occupation. I've taken a few small steps toward the direction I want to take. Even thinking of taking a few classes here and there to learn and gain some more techniques/resources/contacts. When I get back to New York, I will be on a full on rampage of cleaning and making stuff.

Since we're planning on going to Japan in March, I'm also essentially prepared to quit my job a month before the trip. As of now, I get 3 vacation days to request for time off. It may not sound like a lot, but where I work we get every holiday and one week in August and one week in December off. So in that respect the job is good. In a whole slew of other respects, it is not. After working for 2 years, I am supposed to get 5 days of vacation. However, we've been in a weird situation at work where sometimes the company spends more than it takes in during a month and I have no idea how they manage. Because of this situation, I'm not sure they will give me the 3 more paid days off. I do have an advantage in that there are not a lot of gilders running around. So, I'm going to ask them if I should just hand in my notice or do they want to take me back after a month away. I really don't know what they are going to say or do. Regardless, I'm going to leave that job one day. If it happens to be sooner, at least I'll be able to hang out with my sis and live it up in New York until I move. It will also give me a lot of time to clean up all the junk that I have at my parents' house.

I don't have any real resolutions for this new year. Just the same goals that I've always have been after. Well, if I do have one resolution it's to learn how to manage my time better.

Cheers everyone!
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