Sep 12, 2005 23:09
I really don't want my last couple entries to represent me. I'm not depressed i promise and my entire life does not suck. I like to live. i just fall over every now and then. it just takes a little pondering to get me back up. Of course that part of my life sucks but i really do believe it will get better one fine day. and right now i do have good things in my life. my sisters and my mom and my brother are amazing people. And no matter what I will always have God, and i know he has some strange but beautiful plan for me even though my mind, at this point in my life, cannot even percieve or comprehend what it holds, and that's okay. all i have to do is laugh over silly things with calley like the little asian with the minivan on pimp my ride who tried to rap and got shot down by ice cube. i think he should get his own reality tv show, the little asian not ice cube. life is what you make it. my life will be what I make it not anyone else. i can't change the past. only the future.
goodnight and