Mar 14, 2009 14:14
I had the freakiest dream last night. I was at university (I think, it felt like it), inside a classroom, and Michael Jackson pops in. The teachers said something about an extra teacher for the day (yes, that would be MJ), so he started talking about the course, and then I can't remember anything else. Oh wait, I do remember going in my head "Oh. My God. My friends will never believe this. HE LOOKS SO FREAKING DIFFERENT!!" Lol, that's so typical of my dreams. Instead of being shocked by his very presence, I'm shocked by his looks xD
And he did look...better. No kidding, he looked quite normal, not like, you know..real life. You wouldn't tell that the Michael Jackson of my dream has had 4878755997 surgeries. And he didn't look so white either. He even looked younger. But the strangest thing is that he was an alternate Michael, not the one that existed 20 years ago.
I don't know, it was weird. Maybe I ate too much before going to bed. Or maybe it was because I saw him on the telly the other day, babbling about his upcoming tour through England...I think it's called "This Is It"? Or..something like that. I didn't pay much attention, I was actually boiling with anger at the mention of the sum he'll be paid to do this: 14 million bucks...unbelievable.