Want your students to "respectfully disagree" on Moodle forums or online course posts? Instructor Brian Goedde, in a recent Chronicle article, gives high marks to students in his online Composition class who support their arguments with evidence...and skip the snarky comments. Goedde's students realize fast that respectful disagreement - instead of dismissing views different from their own - helps make their argument more informed and convincing.
While strongly expressed differences of opinion can be a "teaching moment' in the classroom, it can also be disruptive and toxic. With online students, however, the grade depends on quality and tone of written interaction, and students learn to work respectfully with each other online, building stronger sense of professionalism. Want to learn more? A Course in Online Civility offers a case in point of creating a positive learning environment online.
Note: Thanks to Jan Morse, Student Conflict Resolution Center, for feedback and editing on this piece. Working Better Together Blog, University of Minnesota: http://wbt.umn.edu/