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Jun 18, 2012 11:02

International Education Is Good for Your Soul
After working in study abroad advising at the University of Minnesota for about a year (right before I left on my own second extensive study abroad experience, this time at Hiroshima University in Saijo, Japan), I am thrilled to keep in touch with my colleagues as I continue to work in undergraduate instruction and program evaluation research at my alma mater #3.

Lately I changed a career direction, but still have been keeping informed of the issues in the field via attending Minnesota Study Abroad Professionals meetings; scheduling multiple informational interviews with international educators around town; subscribing to NAFSA and SECUSS-L listserves, presenting at pre-departure events for UMTC students, including the oldest study abroad program in MN - Students for Amity among Nations Program, or SPAN - before students embarked on their self-directed research and language study trip to Russia. There is more: I am excited to have signed up for presenting at the upcoming Minnesota Study Abroad Returnee Conference again. It has been a busy spring, and the Minnesota Evaluation Studies Institute summer workshops are coming right up!

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