Apr 13, 2004 22:28
I cut my hair ... i'm satisfied. Haha;
there was a gay hairdresser there..he
was so sweet and hilarious and even
better his name was Rafael...hot <3.
My hair smells like S-E-X.
After my sister and I got haircuts,
we went to flores...I ATE WASABI..
damn! that shizite was hot as hell.
I have like a scare on my tounge; for
serious. FEEL it? Ahh..I still feel it
burn. SUCKERS. Today I slept in first
period. Aww..I was so tired today, then
I was blamed for being "stoned".
Me, stoned...what a badass...no.
I don't want report cards to come,
I bet you my life i'll get grounded
again...shit grades. But I guess what
really matters is French since it's a
high school credit course, which I have
a 99 in...yay. Okay so let me go, i'm going
make-out with my hair...it smells like coco.
OR SO MUCH BETTER x fuck it.
I'll leaaaave...<3