
Jun 04, 2006 20:52


1. Favourite Season? 6
2. Favourite Episode? Once more with feeling
3. Favourite Male Character? Spike
4. Favourite Female Character? Willow/Anya
5. Favourite Het Ship? Spike/Buffy
6. Favourite Slash Ship? Willow/Tara
7. Favourite Canon Ship? What's that?
8. Favourite Unconventional Ship? Cordelia/Xander
9. Favourite Big Bad? Drusilla
10. Favourite Season Finale? Season 6
11. Favourite Season Premiere? Buffy vs. Dracula, even I thought he was hot.
12. Most Missed Character? Tara/Anya
13. Favourite Fight? Final fight in the Hellmouth
14. Favourite Wish Fight? Anya/Willow
15. Favourite Quote? "Go school, it's your birthday."
16. Favourite Vampire? Drusilla
17. Favourite Demon? Anyanka!
18. Favourite Slayer? Kennedy
19. Favourite Witch? Willow
20. Worst Season? 1. Duh. :P Still love it though!
21. Worst Episode? 0x00 unaired pilot. HAVE YOU SEEN WILLOW? Barf. I want Alyson.
22. Worst Male Character? Riley.
23. Worst Female Character? Maggie Walsh!
24. Worst Het Ship? Riley/Buffy
25. Worst Slash Ship? None.
26. Worst Canon Ship? Buffy/Parker
27. Worst Unconventional Ship? Buffy/Parker
28. Worst Big Bad? Caleb
29. Worst Season Finale? Love 'em all.
30. Worst Season Premiere? 0x00 unaired pilot!
31. Least Missed Character? Riley.
32. Worst Vampire? The one with the Hanson tshirt.
33. Worst Demon? The one that ate skin.
34. Worst Slayer? The african american chick. ;)
35. Worst Witch? The fake ones at campus.
36. Best Hair? Willow!
37. Best Dressed? Faith!
38. Worst Hair? Anya, when it's short and curly.
39. Worst Dressed? Willow, but then again, it's cute.
40. Fave Member of the Trio? Andrew.
41. Which Character Do You Most Look Like? Hmmm. Tara? Willow? The fat potential slayer? :P
42. Which Character Most Resembles Your Personality? Errr Spike? :P I have many personalities. Also Willow sometimes... Drusilla. I wanna be like Drusilla, Anya or Willow!
43. Fave Buffy Fanfic Author(s): Dunno. People from EF.
44. Fave Buffy Fanfic: Extra Flamey.
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