A lot of little things bug me.

Mar 02, 2009 17:04

Today, I realized that the one thing that really pisses me off (no matter how much I say others things do) are when people put on their myspace/facebook, or even just verbalize it, that they are really open minded and that they listen to whatever people have to say. In some cases, that is true. But today- I threw a fit at a girl in my History class, because she was saying how gay people shouldn't be allowed to marry. Of course, I can't just let her say that stuff, so I had a comeback for every point she made about it.
"If gay people were to marry- it would take away the specialness of regular marriage."
How so? That makes no sense, because what would it honestly matter? if YOU aren't the one getting married to someone of the same sex, why would you care? It doesn't affect YOU.. I don't understand how it would take away the uniqueness of what you call 'regular marriage'. It's a basic human right- nobody should be denied the change to join with the person they love, regardless of gender. It's not illegal for someone really old to marry someone young (within the legal age, that is). Nobody finds an issue in that, do they? Why should they find an issue in same sex marriage?
"Well, it's just nasty. Besides, the bible said that gay people shouldn't be allowed to?"
Lucky for me, I sat right next to the bookshelf, full of dictionaries, and one bible. I looked for it, and I picked it up and tossed it at her.
Show me, I said. Show me where in the bible it says that gay people should not be allowed to marry.
Her jaw dropped a little, and she said "Well... um, I don't know it by heart."
That's because it doesn't exist. "God" never said, anywhere that same sex marriage should not be allowed, and he never said that being gay is wrong. Ever. Trust me, I come from a really Christian family- my grandpa is a pastor. I've heard enough of the bible, I've read enough of it to know.
"How is what you're saying, what you're proposing any different from the Holocaust?" I asked her. You're isolating a single group of people, denying them a inalienable right. Sure, people aren't killing of the gays... yet. But they still face horrible things every single day. And still, in most states, they aren't even allowed to be with the person they love.
"Well, you're not listening to my side of the arguement, Emily."
Yes- yes I have, and you have no proof- you have no examples, you have nothing to back up your side of this 'arguement'. I listened, and I don't agree. That's more than what you have done.
"It's gross. it's wrong. It's not the way God meant it to be. They shouldn't have any rights, and in fact, they shouldn't even be living in America."

At that point, I got so pissed that I pretty much started yelling at her. Up until that point, I was civil about it, but I lost it, and I probably shouldn't have. The teacher told me to back off, and to relax, and I just left the classroom.

People at my school are so ignorant. I don't belong here.


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