Feb 28, 2007 22:02
I totally just remembered I had a livejournal. I know all you avid readers out there have been pulling your hair out for the past 8 months in anticipation of my next entry.. I know.
So um senior year? Very cool. This post is actually my Senioritis making a ferocious comeback and me trying to stall writing my King Lear essay.
This feels so weird... I feel like out of practice or something? Which is dumb.. because there's nothing to be "good" at.
Anyway... I visited Emory over February break. I had convinced myself I had to like it because of the whole "binding" aspect of Early Decision 2. I really was like psyching myself up to like it no matter what... but I didn't need that because it's as if someone sat there and said "Where would Abby like to go?" "Oh ok, let's make a perfect school for her."
I'll run you through why this school is amazing (and yes, this is in prioritized order so shut the fuck up):
1. The guys are A+. And I don't mean that in the physical aspect (although OHMYGODTHEYAREALLBEAUTIFULTHERE). But like, the guys I met were so chill. Everyone was so down-to-earth, they just wanted to hang out. There was no awkward like people hitting on people or any of that. Everyone just wants to be your friend.
2. Kind of the same in the sense that everyone was so friendly! Some random volleyball players sat with me and Sam and just started talking to us like we had known them for 10 years. I was scared about this the most because I had heard the girls at Emory were biotches. It was fabulous.
3. Everything was warm. THE WEATHER. The people. The atmosphere. The food.
4. The nightlife was amazing! We were there on random weekday nights and there was still SO much to do! Even if you're not in the mood to party, there were people doing all sorts of things.
5. The people there were very similar to me. Smart kids, but not so obsessed with studying all the time. It was very laid-back and lax. Kids knew their shit and were awesome, but they didn't have rods up their asses.
6. Uhm, everyone's Jewish? Like literally I met 3 people who weren't. Don't get me wrong, it's a very diverse school, but it was nice to not be SUCH a minority. I guess I don't want to leave that Livingston bubble. There were even Jews from Alabama, Texas, Louisiana, just crazy places! I loved it!
Today I applied for housing and was happy. :-)
I also got really excited for the March of the Living trip I'm going on in April. I feel like it'll just cap off my year so nicely and I'm really stoked for it. Yes, stoked. The Holocaust is something I've always wanted to connect more deeply to, and here's my perfect chance. Oh, and uh, partying in the Holy Land? Don't even.
I sound like the biggest Jew ever. Maybe I am. Complete with Matisyahu on my iTunes.
Is it bad that I'm anxious to graduate? Yes, I'm nostalgic and will miss everyone, but I just feel like I'm done with this chapter in my life. Not in a bad way or a malicious way. Just that, I'm nearly 18 1/2 and I'm still living with Mommy. I wish I could just take all my friends to college with me. I just feel so idle sitting here and writing another paper for another class that I'm just trying to rush and learn before an AP test. It all just seems so pointless now. I want to DO something.
Then this other voice in my head tells me to be thankful. I'll never get to be a kid again. I'll want to go back, but I won't be able to. And I look around the kids at school and I think, "I go to school with really GOOD kids. Like genuinely good people." That comradery won't exist ever again, because we won't have that history ever again. It's so painful to think about.
Ok well LJers... ITS GOOD TO BE BACK.
Keep on keepin' on.