Aug 27, 2008 12:06
I have no idea what got into my head, but for some odd reason today I felt inclined to once again, come back and look over the old livejournal. It is something I usually only do about once a year now.
We just got back from vacation a few weeks ago, first one we had been on in about 8 years, and it was much needed. We went to California, Nevada, and Arizona. We drove about 2000 miles in a weeks time, but we took in a lot. Of course just as much as a vacation is needed, the need to come back home, to what is familiar and to those who love you is a wonderful thing.
My dad never liked vacations, which I guess would explain why we never went on them.. lol. He said you are excited to go, but then you can't wait to get back, your tired and mad at everyone that went with you, and broke. I must admit, we did have our "too much bonding" time, and def the broke part, but it was still fun to go!
Oh, this is a new update. I have now joined the ranks of grandmotherhood. Timmy & Christina have a daughter, Aubrei, which is now 3 months old. As in the tradition of all the Cox (even though she is a Conrad, the Cox genes are still dominant) females, she is beautiful!
As for now, things are going good, but I am always bracing myself for the next storm, because just as sure as the sun will rise, the storms will come. So, until next time, it was nice visiting you livejournal, talk to ya again later on.