Mar 10, 2011 02:28 whomever anonymously send me the virtual fruit basket to thank me for, oh holy shit, writing. This was much needed as I am currently angsting over a Big Bang fic, and dammit, I will produce one some day in some fandom! Anyways, thank you, kind person, you made my day and I love you.
(One day I got a flower basket at work, which happens a lot because people discharge and leave their flowers sitting around. So, it wasn't for me personally and it was kinda ugly, but I took it home anyway. Then it looked even uglier on my table, so I left it at the doorstep of a neighbor, who was a pretty blonde with a tiny dog. Naturally, there was no note or any other kind of follow-up on my part. I still wonder about this big load of random mystery I dumped into that girl's life: was she happy, was she creeped out, is she still puzzled about it? It makes me all tingly inside to think that this girl will never know and will probably have much more interesting theories than "Here, I have this fugly flower basket, you wanna?")
Anyway, thanks and come say hi if you want.