Jul 18, 2006 21:47
So i TRYED to talk to my mom today..well 5 minutes ago,
I asked if i could hang out wiht Julie or amber. She still sn't over than bullshit. She said no..unt il i tell her the "TRUTH" About who's idea it was to sneek out. I told her it was all of our idea.. and it was becasue we agreeded.She Said i was lying. So she thinks that Mike was like Ambers Boyfriend. And i told her no and that it didn't matter anyway. But she bascially thatnks we are all sluts. I hate her sometimes. I swear. And basically im just a liar to her..even though i've been telling her the truth// Yea it's fustrating but she is hard heading and i can't do anythign about it. So if ya'll are reading thins..tehn i guess im nto going to be hanging out wiht you until i see you at school or something. Oh yea she says that i hang otu with you everytime i go to the movies. She thinks she knows it all doesn't she? Yea go ahead hate my mom. I could care less...i have hate for her to.