(no subject)

Mar 06, 2010 09:51

When they stop for the night, Cora is lost in a sort of bemused joy. There is Queen Susan, younger than Cora knows her, and another younger girl who must be Queen Lucy. There are creatures-Talking Animals, she reminds herself sternly, and fauns, and tree-people, but she finds herself nearly too shy to speak with them, too uncertain of what to say. And then there is Him, and Cora cannot even think of how one would speak to Him though some do; he puts her in awe beyond words.

During the dancing, Cora seats herself primly beyond it, though she laughs occasionally at some of the people’s antics.

"Tired?" asks an old man…or dwarf, she’s uncertain, from beside her. "Dancing is an exhausting business."

She laughs, slightly embarrassed, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. "I...don’t, usually," she admits. "I’m Cora-of Beruna, or Chipstede, most recently."

"Doctor Cornelius," the man replies, the skin by his eyes wrinkling with a smile. "It is a pleasure, Miss Cora."

retiring, canon, oom

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