(no subject)

May 25, 2012 01:11

It's been a pretty long while since Yugi and Yami were last in the Nexus. Between school and... other happenings (which are the subject of Yugi's question today), they haven't been able to find the time to come in and visit. Now, however, things are in a bit of a lull, so here they are, looking a bit more... weathered than when they were last here.

Oh, Yami also has something new with him: a thin, straight-bladed sword with an Egyptian hilt design belted to his waist.

"So," Yugi says after a moment, "I had an interesting New Year's. Which brings me to my question: How would you react if you got press-ganged into saving the world with a group of complete strangers?"

((OOC: For them, it's still mid-January, which is when I should've posted this. >_> After I wrap up threads on this post they'll be accellerated to the current time of year.))
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