Avoiding asking all he wants to ask...

Mar 24, 2010 02:07

Rock looks like he's already had a long day. He's in armor, but is carrying the helmet. And from the looks of the armor, he's been in a fight. It's nothing too bad, but he's at least a bit scuffed up and the armor has a few interesting gashes. Everyone he knows is used to him taking walks after being in combat, though, unless he's damaged enough to ( Read more... )

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Comments 66

waterfell March 24 2010, 06:21:43 UTC
She's very blue. Blue hair, blue uniform, blue charms dangling at her ears and waist. A girl (in her mid to late teens, it looks like) who happens to be passing by stops to answer Rock's questions.

"All of them," she says. "I don't get along with my alternates. I can't feel sympathy for my alternates."


rox4brains March 24 2010, 07:02:49 UTC
"I haven't seen another me in a long time. This one was an alternate of..," before this, Rock might almost have said a friend. Now, he's more than a bit reluctant. He shakes his head and glances at the helmet he's carrying for a second. Something almost imperceptible shifts in his expression.

"Of someone I work with. We used to be enemies. And the alternate was from an earlier time, when we still were. And without his Mega around, he thought attacking me was a good substitute."


waterfell March 24 2010, 07:12:25 UTC
She's the evil one in her world's equation of the friends-turned-enemies story. Mercury seems entirely undisturbed, and unsympathetic. "If he's your enemy, treat him as your enemy."


rox4brains March 24 2010, 07:53:05 UTC
"I can't." Rock sighs and shakes his head. "I mean.."

"If he is just younger than the one from my world, I know he will grow out of this. I know he can, anyway. And my alternate might need him someday..."


builtforbattle March 24 2010, 08:00:09 UTC
After his horrible defeat, Forte wanted nothing more then get back at Mega - to cause him pain in anyway he could. This was easier said then done. The Nexus stopped him from doing anything truly destructive and going to a random world and slaughtering people was more of a tantrum then anything and he knew it.

What he had to do was relearn what made Mega tick. So that's why he'd been watching Mega. What he really needed was inside info, but he'd have to wait for an opportunity for that.


rox4brains March 24 2010, 08:13:47 UTC
He may already have noticed that Mega avoids couches. And that while he seems to be fighting alongside of Wilybots now, there is obviously still some threat in his world. Something powerful enough to do the damage he has now, even with backup and the upgrades that Forte's already learned about.

And the habit of long walks after fights, and - if Forte's observant enough - some changes in personality and possibly even the rare incident or two of muttering to himself.

Of course, that's only if Forte's been careful enough not to be spotted.


builtforbattle March 24 2010, 08:29:53 UTC
He's careful enough. Not Blues level careful, but he knew how to sneak around. But after thinking it over, he started walking toward Mega. When he's close enough to 'notice' the other bot, he stopped and glanced him over.

"What happened to you?"


rox4brains March 24 2010, 08:52:28 UTC
If anything, Mega looks relieved to see Forte - at least he hadn't crawled off and died after that fight, or from picking fights in the Nexus. He hides the expression quickly enough, but one would have to be a lot slower than Forte not to catch it.

"Maverick Hunters. Boomer Kuwanger, mostly. At least this time all of my limbs are still attached." Which he expects will mean absolutely nothing to Forte. The other 'bot hadn't seemed interested in any differences in their worlds the last time.


earthvictorious March 24 2010, 08:01:02 UTC
"No." The man pronouncing this simple answer smirks, and the smirk is something cold and dark that's had tens of thousands of years to fester. "I will kill him."

The speaker is clearly a soldier, from the uniform to the warrior's topknot and golden chain circlet of his rank, to the sword at his side.


rox4brains March 24 2010, 08:24:56 UTC
"I will not do that. I do not want the alternate in question hurt... except when he is being so stubborn that it is the only thing he understands." He's slipped his helmet back on for now. Mega could be considered a warrior, but in some ways a reluctant one. There are lines he doesn't cross, and someone always there to remind him of morals. He might be a fighter, but he wants to make sure he never becomes a monster.


earthvictorious March 24 2010, 08:43:25 UTC
He became the monster. His threat towards his alternate hadn't been idle, and he's killed his (former, he's firmly decided) lord in his own world.

"You'd be surprised how often that is," Kunzite remarks dryly. It's affected him, perhaps, to be the lone one of his fellows to remember the past from the beginning, to be able to make his choices based on knowing what had happened and would happen - and not to be able to rely on the others who should have been at his side, not the side of a greedy, lustful witch.


rox4brains March 24 2010, 08:59:38 UTC
"With Forte, no, I would not. Combat was often all he could really understand, when he was younger. And his alternate is still like that."


sinner01 March 25 2010, 00:34:23 UTC

"Yes, and I'm still not certain what to do about them," Aion says. "May I ask what the situation is with this particular alternate?"


rox4brains March 25 2010, 03:27:05 UTC
Mega tries to explain very carefully, having already been annoyed by two people who seemed unable to grasp the concept of not killing off younger alts of your allies. Rock probably would have felt sorry for them for not understanding something like that, but the other had distanced himself after those conversations.

"The alternate is from a similar timeline to mine, but at an earlier point. Or at least I suspect it is an earlier point because he acts a lot like my world's Forte did when we were younger." And he's hoping this doesn't lead to another thing about age not applying to robots - the passage of time still does.

"We were enemies then, but in my time we are allies. To the alternate, we are still enemies, but I know what he has the potential to be in the future. And if anything similar happens in that timeline, my alternate will need allies. Killing him is not an option ( ... )


sinner01 March 25 2010, 03:35:28 UTC

"And you do want to help him?" Aion asks, though it's more or less rhetorical as he thinks about the situation. "Is there a way you can have someone else help him? Someone who is known by you, but not by this alternate self."

"If he is not a direct threat, you need to only be on your guard, and defend yourself where necessary. And also, make sure your allies are aware of him and that he is 'important.'"


rox4brains March 25 2010, 03:47:00 UTC
"Blues has tried leaving supplies in the Nexus as well. Those were also untouched. Perhaps my world's Forte could try, but... Forte is unlikely to accept help from anyone. For him, it is a matter of pride." Extremely stubborn pride. Mega sighs. "I have considered having him fight me to 'win' the supplies, but given the difference in ability I would have to let him win, and he would know it."

"I have the feeling I will be defending myself often. Fighting me was Forte's whole reason for existing when he was younger."


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