
Mar 05, 2010 18:20

A young man leans against the sign. He's quite normal looking aside from the long, blue tail with a spaded tip that swishes behind him. He thinks of his question.

"Do you have any features that make you stand out from everyone else? Do you consider them a blessing or a curse? If a curse, do you try to hide it and if so, how?"

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im_yours_truly March 8 2010, 03:48:21 UTC
Sarah eyes the tail for a moment before speaking.

"Not really. My eyes change color, but that's about it. It's sometimes a curse because they change to an ember color when I'm angry and that tends to scare a lot of people away. It also happens at random sometimes and it's not a great thing when you're having a casual conversation with someone."


hellhalo March 8 2010, 07:24:50 UTC
He smiles. "That doesn't sound so bad. Luckily mine only change when I'm angry."


im_yours_truly March 8 2010, 09:48:55 UTC
"It isn't that bad. Just a nuisance." She smiles, tucking a strand of hair back. "What color do yours change to?"


hellhalo March 8 2010, 11:27:56 UTC
"Blood red at first, then the angrier I get, they burn like hellfire."

He offers his hand. "I'm Lucas"


im_yours_truly March 8 2010, 15:23:37 UTC
She takes the offered hand, gently. "I'm Sarah. Nice to meet you, Lucas."


hellhalo March 8 2010, 15:25:44 UTC
"The pleasure is mine. You're very lovely." He inclines his head as he draws his hand back after shaking.


im_yours_truly March 8 2010, 15:31:44 UTC
She smiles, quite possibly blushing a bit. "Thank you. That's very sweet of you to say."


hellhalo March 8 2010, 16:15:47 UTC
"I'm certain you hear it often." He smiles.


im_yours_truly March 8 2010, 16:21:27 UTC
"Nothing as sweet as how you said it though." Internally, she is cursing at her human side for making her act so shy right now. "Uh, I noticed your tail. I'm assuming you're not full human at least, right?"


hellhalo March 8 2010, 17:08:38 UTC
"How do you usually hear it?" He chuckles.

"Not even partially human." He said, tail swishing. "I'm half angel and half demon, incubus to be exact as mother was a succubus."


im_yours_truly March 8 2010, 17:14:27 UTC
"Well, usually it's 'Hey baby. You're hot'." She giggles.

She perks when she hears the word succubus. "Well, isn't that a coincidence. My mother was one too. My father was human." She leans in just a bit. "So, that means you've got the good and bad, hm?" Smirk.


hellhalo March 8 2010, 17:17:11 UTC
"You're part succubus as well? Wow. You're the first I've met."

He returns the smirk. "Oh yes, I've got a lot of the bad."


im_yours_truly March 8 2010, 17:25:37 UTC
"Likewise, gorgeous."

Her smirk widens. "Maybe I'll have to see just how much of the bad you got sometime."


hellhalo March 8 2010, 18:33:39 UTC
"Anytime, my lovely. Though being part human you may be a little too fragile for just how bad I can be." More smirking.


im_yours_truly March 8 2010, 18:44:17 UTC
"I may be part human, but I can tell you I am a lot tougher than I look, gorgeous."

She continues smirking, giving a glance at her watch. "So, anytime right? Is now a good time?"


hellhalo March 8 2010, 18:54:22 UTC
He gives the only sane answer. "Your place or mine?"


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