...huh. Interesting kinda place...

Feb 24, 2010 22:00

Advice? ...um. Yeah. I could use a little, maybe. Advice from the anonymous internets? Even better!

See, here's the thing. My partner's telling me that I should (and that he's willing to pay for me to) do a Masters or a PhD. Which is awesome and great, and all, except... I don't mind, you know? But my heart wouldn't be in it, not really. I'm not that interested. And I'm not sure I'd ever do anything with it. And I feel kinda shit for making him spend... god, would it still be international student rates? Probably. So we're looking at like £18,855 (I just went and looked it up, assuming I got the right section, and that sounds about right) per year for a doctorate that I'm not sure I want.

I mean, I'm not hating the whole idea. I don't resent him for suggesting it, and he's not forcing me to do it. And I kind of want to just to make him happy, but I feel like I'm kind of betraying myself, and maybe being kind of a selfish bitch for letting him spend nearly £20k p/a on something I should have the courage to say 'look, I'm not sure on this' about.

So I guess the question is... how far would you go to make your partner happy? And any other advice you want to offer.

TIA? <3

OOC: First post, original character, no fandom. Here's hoping we're doing okay here. Just drop us a note if not. :)

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