even christ himself would cringe at the sight of your scars

Dec 08, 2009 19:34

Well, what the Nexus was lacking today was its quota of half-naked underage strippers. So here you go: one Brody, currently female thanks to the cursed ring she (the pronoun we will henceforth be using because this shit is confusing) is wearing, in a bikini, a festive hat, and boots with a seven (yes, seven) inch heel. She is not doing anything to ( Read more... )

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Comments 56

fireburned December 9 2009, 03:40:11 UTC
"That looks cold." Harvestman is the most observant person ever. He looks Brody over once, taking in the bruises (and the heels, which make Brody taller than him right now, argh) without comment.

"Wanna borrow my jacket?" He doesn't need it, and as a bonus it's practically new and doesn't smell. "I don't really need it."


campjesus December 9 2009, 04:09:16 UTC
"No. Why do you think I came here? It's like 5 degrees in LA." That is blatant exaggeration considering Brody spent LAST winter in New York, which gets, you know, ACTUALLY cold, but shh. Maybe he should put on pants, that would help.


fireburned December 9 2009, 04:30:08 UTC
Harvestman is not giving Brody his pants.

"I was being a dick 'round that time, and I got people hurt." This is the answer to one of the questions, at least, and it is also a lie. He got people killed.

He's studying Brody, he can't help it, and he mostly looks concerned. He can't think of Brody in a sexual way, despite (or maybe partly because of, it's complicated) the attraction of the boy...girl's blood. It's a parental instinct, and he's all but admitted it outloud, but there's nothing he can really do and he knows it.


campjesus December 9 2009, 04:51:17 UTC
He should, Brody would probably actually wear them in that event, mostly for the lulz. Sadly they would not fit.

"Well, that's specific. Quit lookin' at me like that." She spins around, hooking one colossal stiletto heel in the stool.


cheiroakanta December 9 2009, 07:25:30 UTC
"I was nine in 2000, so I'm pretty sure I was freaking out over my Pokemons and running around pretending to be a dragon." Emily is decked out in her customary preppy-hipster-rainbow garb, and she glances down to evaluate herself before looking back up at Brody with a shrug.

"I think I'm pretty stereotypical feminine, I won't lie or anything...those are some really high heels, by the way." The hat and the bikini don't phase her, nor does Brody's apparent gender. But the shoes! Oh, the humanity. "Also! How are you?"

She doesn't expect an answer like 'well, I fell down a flight of stairs made of fists', but it's what you ask anyway.


campjesus December 9 2009, 07:46:08 UTC
"Were people still playing Pokemans in 2000? I don't remember when it came out." ... They're almost the same age, so both of them were, like, FOUR when Pokemon first came out, this is so depressing. She nudges herself back and forth with her heel, shrugs. Like oh, these old things? "Okay. How are you?"


cheiroakanta December 9 2009, 16:16:46 UTC
"I was." >_> "I'm good. Just, I don't know, annoying the nexus." She sits cross-legged in the nearest possible love seat, clasping her hands together. "So why the interest in gender performance? Is this about like, the bikini? Because you're pulling it off really well."


campjesus December 9 2009, 22:08:13 UTC
"Um--naw, I was just sorta Nexus-napped." Not that this is the first time Brody has shown up like this, and not that the other times weren't on purpose either... "And, I dunno. That's one thing that, like, seems like, universally--stable? Even here, people treat like--oh, I ate this LOL'd cookie and now I'm a girl as a big joke."


fegkarion December 9 2009, 07:38:45 UTC
"Come down from there at once, you are cheating." And by 'cheating' the Brucolac may mean 'taller than me in those fucking stilts'.

He is going to ignore the first qustion as it does not apply to him, and answer to the second. "However is most convenient for my purposes."

....Says the man who danced a lovely dance in a skirt for this very tinygoth, not so long ago.


campjesus December 9 2009, 07:48:37 UTC
"No, I like it. How's the weather down there?" Child. At least she's not standing up on top of the bar, which would be ill-advised for so many reasons. "By convenient, do you perhaps mean 'hilarious'?"


fegkarion December 9 2009, 08:04:48 UTC
"There have been very few circumstances where me in a skirt has been a solemn affair. Meanwhile, you aren't even wearing one and you're a tragedy on stilts."


campjesus December 9 2009, 08:19:22 UTC
"But they do exist? Intriguing. Because, you know, boys in girls' clothes is just that scandalous." Sarcasm makes up half of a teenager's diet. Also, bitterness! Yay, growing up in conservative small towns! "How rude, I happen to think I look very pretty."


wavelengths December 9 2009, 22:53:46 UTC
"What, the whole of January?" This gentleman is both considerably shorter than Brody-in-heels and unperturbed by her current wardrobe. It's just another one of those things, seems like. "That's a while, innit. I dunno. Couldn't tell you, anyway. Can't remember what I had for lunch a week ago, never mind ten years."

He's... yeah, he's just going to keep talking, how about that. "What d'you mean by gender stereotypes? I don't like sports much, if that's what you mean. Curling's all right, I suppose...sort of relaxing to watch, curling. Peaceful, like. Puts you almost in a Zen state, doesn't it, all that sliding. I don't mind it."


campjesus December 10 2009, 02:16:53 UTC
"30 days? Not that long. I don't remember that far back either. Is that, like, normal?" ...why are you asking this guy that, Brody. Of all people. "Um, you know, like--girls do this, boys do this. Boys are stronger, girls are 'more in tune with their emotions', girls gossip, boys are stoic, that kind of bullshit? --I don't even know what curling is."


wavelengths December 10 2009, 02:30:24 UTC
His reply to that question is just a particularly long shrug, one shoulder higher than the other, his head tilted against it, and one slow blink. Memory gaps are normal, sure, why not.

"Well, you see..." Dude passes his tongue across his lips in preparation for, er, whatever this is going to become, presumably some form of explanation. "Curling...is a bit like bowling on a sheet of ice, that's somehow nubbly and very slippy, slippery, at the same time. Only there's brooms. And...a button." An unnecessarily long pause occurs here, and then his face screws up a little, sort of incredulously. "Really? Boys don't gossip?"


campjesus December 10 2009, 07:57:36 UTC
"Oh." Well that sounds incredibly boring. ... not that Brody finds any sport to be especially stimulating, but.

"That's the stereotype. Cattiness is um, traditionally a feminine trait, soooo people think of only girls and gay guys--who are allowed to be feminine because it makes their sexuality less um, threatening to most people--as being allowed to be gossipy."


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