"Yeah... don't suppose you got sharpies where yer from." The silver mech's brow plates draw together slightly over his gentle brown optics. "Grease pencil? Those things'll write on anythin'. Doesn' help with the time thing, but bringin' somethin' ta draw with helps."
Something which is being held between his hand and his chest squeaks. He shushes it gently and absently hums a soft song.
"I've noticed that pullin' out a pen ta illustrate things makes people pay more attention, too." Jazz cracks a grin as he remembers some of the Looks he's gotten for it.
"I suppose that might help. Although, there are times when one does not have the time or materials to create adequate images."
Something which is being held between his hand and his chest squeaks. He shushes it gently and absently hums a soft song.
"Perhaps. It can't hurt, at any rate..."
He considers this.
"It does seem like it might be a useful technique..."
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