What a way to make an entrance

Nov 05, 2009 20:43

The earth starts to open up and a hand starts to claw it's way out. It's slow at first and then steadily faster over the next twenty minute or so a man starts to climb his way out of the dirt. His pupils aren't in proper focus and his skin looks very white as does his hair. His clothes look like they had been sprayed down with dirt and a few worms ( Read more... )

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Comments 17

truewhitequeen November 6 2009, 04:10:59 UTC
Sitting on a nearby couch, watching the man claw his way out of the dirt, is a woman, dark hair and grey-eyed with pale flawless skin. The way her eyes watch his progress holds deep amusement, and every careless motion of her body is effortlessly graceful and sensuous.

When the man manages to dig himself out, Lara applauds politely, a smile curving on her lips. "They can't help being it," she answers in a voice like silk and wine. It doesn't take much to realize a man clawing himself (angrily) out of the dirt isn't quite human. "It's up to those who know better to guide them."


sonofimpaler November 6 2009, 04:17:47 UTC
He gives her a look that clearly says he is not amused. He can't think of a way to easily get the dirt and worms off of his clothing without a bit of help but he sees no reason to call fourth any magical aid.

"What would you do then, my lady? Heard them in like sheep? They merely lack education," Alucard replies in a rich aristocratic voice. "I believe them capable of learning I merely tire of the fools that spring fourth so often."


truewhitequeen November 6 2009, 04:28:34 UTC
Lara laughs, amused, and shakes her head, sending dark curls tumbling. She notices a pile of towels and a stiff bristled brush has appeared next to the couch and laughs again. The Nexus did do some strange things sometimes. "Herd them?" she echoes, taking a towel off the stack and holding it out to the man. "I'm no shepherdess, sir."

She brushes her hair back from her face and touches a finger to her lips contemplatively. "I am a guide. I offer suggestions, choices between the path of fools and the path of wisdom. It is up to them to choose."


sonofimpaler November 6 2009, 04:38:34 UTC
He won't ask if she summoned them. He jut walked right up to them as clumps of dirt fell off of his clothes and from his hair and from under his boots. Wet dirt was not fun to climb out of and most dirt was wet after the first several feet in some fashion. He began to clean himself up as he watched her.

"You have the bearing of a leader. Am I wrong?" One eye brow went up as he began to get the dirt free from his hair as well. "You speak truthfully then. Do you gain more from their free will?"


to_have_a_curse November 6 2009, 07:21:23 UTC
A somewhat foppish, noble-seeming man has arrived. His clothing is elegant, but his boots have seen hard use. It may be worth noting that he carries his whip left-handed...unusual, that. Richter seems to be of a brooding mind, even for a Belmont.

"Perhaps you ought not complain. Those fools allow us our glory."


sonofimpaler November 8 2009, 02:27:26 UTC
He knows you sir, doesn't he? Alucard quirks an eyebrow at the other man and tries to not chuckle. He knew a Belmont when he smelt one.

"What glory is there but the kind we win for ourselves, hm?"


to_have_a_curse November 8 2009, 05:20:59 UTC
Have a smirk, at that. It doesn't take preternatural olfactory senses for a Belmont to recognise a blood-drinker.

"True enough. Though any glory we win is but short-lived, for those of us who may not sleep away the years buried in the earth."


campjesus November 6 2009, 16:23:29 UTC
"Ask a stupid question," Brody supplies, not unkindly, but... yeah, he's teasing a little. Which is a great idea, teasing random Nexus people considering he weighs like, fifty pounds soaking wet. (...no, that's exaggeration.) "You okay?" It's hard to tell with people who come bursting out of the ground, after all.


sonofimpaler November 8 2009, 02:25:49 UTC
That's right Brody, heckle the filthy man. Even a normal grown man could punt Brody so why was it he always did this, huh? Not that Alucard would know any of that.

"Yes because everyone climbs out of the ground with good cheer," he snaps with more than a touch of sarcasm.


campjesus November 8 2009, 03:54:27 UTC
"I didn't ask if you were in 'good cheer', I asked if you were 'okay'," Brody replies serenely. "Do you need a doctor?" He's guessing the answer is no, usually it's... obvious when people do, but it's polite to ask.

He's sort of weird, but he means well. Clearly.


soma_crucifix November 8 2009, 02:19:58 UTC
Soma stopped in mid-step and watched the man burst out of the ground, wondering why he looked familiar. "Because no one is perfect," He answered as he peered at the moldy clothing.

"Any reason why that's the first question out of your mouth?"


sonofimpaler November 8 2009, 02:29:24 UTC
He sneers at the stranger. Then sighs and gives him a small nod. "Perhaps you are right. Even kings are fools but in turn peasants can be wise men."

He brushes the dirt from his shoulder and hides a grumble. "I wa burried in the ground, was I not? What does that tell you?"


soma_crucifix November 8 2009, 02:55:18 UTC
"I'd think for me the first question would be 'who the hell buried me', or 'this certainly isn't the place I decided to take a dirtnap in'." The young man gestured broadly, ignoring the sneer.

"And many are fools by the lack of knowing anything about the world, so they would react in fear." He puts a hand into his pocket, and pulls out a small packet off tissues.

"Here, not much, but you can wipe some off the dirt off your face."


languorously November 8 2009, 16:11:41 UTC

"You might ask as well why the sun rises and proceeds to set," Carmilla suggests, tranquil, from where she occupies what might actually be a damn fainting couch. Judging by her listless air - that her bright eyes don't match - she might be using it for just that purpose, too.


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