
Oct 19, 2009 19:27

There's a flicker in the world, and several screens unfold in mid-air. Without further flashiness, they begin to show a message being typed out, green text on a black background.

Dear Multiverse ( Read more... )

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Comments 101

essadi October 20 2009, 02:41:44 UTC
Protect them, from what?
I don't
think so.


watcherstation October 20 2009, 02:49:26 UTC
Crises. Super-powered threats. Interdimensional invasions. Corrupt governments. Themselves, sometimes.

Why not? Is it due to differing value systems? The idea of forcing one solid idea of 'justice' upon everyone?

Please. This is important to me.


essadi October 20 2009, 03:10:01 UTC
All of these things?
When will there be time to watch the stars. Ah.

Everything is a different value system
as you call it.

Justice is a difficult concept. Everything will change over. Crises will pass. Governments will fall. I think perhaps some perspective is always useful in these things.

Also to my mind, it would be more .. what, prudent?, to allow for the idea that people know to keep themselves, or if they don't - give them tools rather than to do their work for them.
Of course.
I don't know.


watcherstation October 20 2009, 03:15:55 UTC
I certainly don't mean to interrupt your stargazing. Apologies.

I agree on all of your points. But... 'Do not kill. Do not rape. Do not steal.' These are principles which every man of every faith can embrace. Are they not?

I don't want to rule. Jesus, the paperwork alone... No, I want to help others, the way I wasn't.


dame_de_pique October 20 2009, 02:57:49 UTC
Not too sure on your first question, but as to the second, I'm gonna say 'hell no'.

The reason for that is I don't think that there'd be any real accountability for any sort of multiversal police authority. If someone had a complaint, who would they report it to? Another division of that self-same cop squad?


watcherstation October 20 2009, 03:04:04 UTC
I somehow expected you'd say that. Hello, 'ki.

That's a good point. Something I'll consider. Hopefully, if they did such a thing, improvements could be made, but... Well. Cops will be cops.

Which is why the first question is so important.


dame_de_pique October 20 2009, 03:06:36 UTC
I'm guessing that if you know me well enough to use my name, you know what I'd like to do to you right now?


watcherstation October 20 2009, 03:08:16 UTC
There's a reason I'm safe and sound in another universe right now.


slaggin_preds October 20 2009, 03:06:06 UTC
When you tell them that their culture is wrong, even if it seems morally deficient to you. Or, you know, trying to control "the other guy" in general. That sort of thing.

I think the Anti-Violence doohicky is enough for the multiverse. Has anything epically bad, like mass homicides or a war broken out here?


watcherstation October 20 2009, 03:11:53 UTC
That's fair enough, I suppose. I'd certainly be angry if someone tried that stunt on me.

Oh, the Field only covers this Nexus, not the multiverse as a whole. And, really, it's so fragile. I've seen Nazi invasions, zombie infestations, floods, the entire deal with that stupid little hotel, Mr. Soze's little killing spree...

But the Nexus has its watchdogs. I don't care about it. As of right now, it's merely a decision-making aid.


slaggin_preds October 20 2009, 03:21:10 UTC
Oh, you meant the entire multiverse? That's just insane. I mean, just think of all the resources you would need. Good luck getting the resources to police your own reality's whole universe, let alone all the other universes out there. I mean seriously.

Besides, no one is going to want someone from a similar yet different reality busting their chops because they chose to worship bunny rabbits instead of giant squid.

Heh, squid.

ANYWAY, I would much rather leave well enough alone, anyway. Mind my own business, keep my head down, and if someone decides they want to mess with me, well... they're lucky if there is enough of them left to mess with later, if you know what I'm saying.

I think any of those disasters you mentioned would be a welcome change of pace from what I get back home. Also, if you really don't want to be a part of those things, you can just stay out, right?


watcherstation October 20 2009, 03:29:22 UTC
Well, honestly, we'd mostly be focusing on the Earths. Nearly all of us are purely Terran in origin and, despite the many alterations? There's always something in common between one Earth and the next.

Not so with bunny-worshipping squid aliens. Try as we might, we'll never understand some of the ones out there. Best to leave them on their own, unless they try to blow up the planet.


There's a reason I'm only sending this through text. Well, half the reason.

Would you like to talk about what's going on back home? No interference from here, I promise.


campjesus October 20 2009, 03:11:54 UTC
if they don't ask for your help, don't give it. way i see it.



watcherstation October 20 2009, 03:12:27 UTC
What if they're incapable of asking?


campjesus October 20 2009, 03:13:13 UTC
what, like their mute, deaf and dumb? i imagine they still have some way of communicating. or else they are probs a vegetable.


watcherstation October 20 2009, 03:17:43 UTC
I've met some vegetables that would object to that.


What I mean is that... What if they lack the technology to communicate with us? Or they can't because they're not allowed to?


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Re: [text] watcherstation October 20 2009, 03:31:36 UTC
Were you alone?


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Re: [text] watcherstation October 20 2009, 03:41:18 UTC
Well, I have a shiny space station. And a large group of people who'd help, if the decision was made.

I've been crazy. I'm glad to hear you've gotten over it.


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