
Oct 10, 2009 20:52

Ianto looks stressed as he comes in, making sure that the couch is vacant before dropping into it. He sighs, glancing around the Nexus, looking somewhat defeated ( Read more... )

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emily_hudson October 11 2009, 01:58:40 UTC
"How old, exactly? I have on on good authority that once a girl reaches the age of sixteen she immediately becomes a space alien and can no longer be related to in human terms." Emily grins hugely. And not just because she'll be sixteen in ten days and it's her Dad who said that!


troellwr October 11 2009, 02:03:52 UTC
"16 actually" Ianto states, he is very unamused by that idea.


emily_hudson October 11 2009, 02:10:58 UTC
Emily is still smiling. She can't help it. Birthday!

"Dad has always said that boys are easier to raise than girls." She shrugs. "You are working against a handicap already, anyway. If she's pregnant, you're not dealing with an entirely rational mind. Did you actually apologize for the making an ass of yourself thing?"


troellwr October 11 2009, 02:26:09 UTC
"Yes, I apologized," Ianto states. "I apologized about when she moved in."


emily_hudson October 11 2009, 02:29:35 UTC
"That's a good start. So, what have you done to make it up to her? Do you guys hang out together? Just the two of you, I mean. Not with your lover." Emily flops onto a couch in the usual, teenager sprawl. "When's the baby due?"


troellwr October 11 2009, 02:42:08 UTC
"I took her shopping when she moved in. She needed some stuff." She needed a lot of stuff, but that's because her mother and her had fought. "Not really, but I work a lot, so it tends to be the three of us, more often than not."

"Baby is due next month," Ianto answers easily.


emily_hudson October 11 2009, 02:48:31 UTC
"You should make some time to do something just with her. 'Cause, if she thinks you don't like her and you spend all your time at work, then she's thinking she's not important to you. Girls like to feel important." She nods sagely. "If the baby's due so soon, you better do it now, too."

"She's probably thinking she's something you're just putting up with because she's your lover's kid and you have to or he'll be upset with you. You have to show her that you're spending time with her because you want to, not because you have to. Has to be time, too. Words won't do it."


troellwr October 11 2009, 02:59:33 UTC
"I've always spent a lot of time at work, I'm not going there to avoid her," Ianto states, because he doesn't like that insinuation.

He considers this, before stating, "They did give me Wednesdays off now." He isn't happy about this and he was bouncing around the house looking for something to do.


emily_hudson October 11 2009, 03:06:31 UTC
"Gee, I can't imagine why she thinks you might not like her. You're so charming and friendly." Emily quirks an eyebrow. She isn't insinuating anything. Just giving him a hint of how a sixteen year old girl's mind might work. "How does she know what you've always done, if she's just met you a few months ago?"


troellwr October 11 2009, 03:22:53 UTC
"She knew I worked six days a week, she was told that," Ianto says, easily "Jack works six days a week."


emily_hudson October 11 2009, 03:28:56 UTC
Now she frowns. "So you and her dad both work six days a week? What does she do all week while you guys are gone?"


troellwr October 11 2009, 03:31:42 UTC
"We work nights at a club, she's probably sleeping." Ianto shrugs. Alice is sixteen and seems to have a decent head on her shoulders.


emily_hudson October 11 2009, 03:51:23 UTC
"Well, for what it's worth -- speaking as a nearly sixteen year old girl -- if I was in her position, I would feel incredibly lonely and not particularly wanted. Don't go getting mad, either, 'cause I'm not attacking you or whatever. I'm just giving you something to think about that you might not have." The guy is kind of prickly. She wonders if that's the stress or if it's his natural state of being.

"And, look... if she's already pregnant, then she's already had at least one life-altering accident. She could probably use someone to talk to and give advice."


troellwr October 11 2009, 04:04:36 UTC
Stress and guilt, he knows he screwed up.

"Like I have any clue about what she's going through," Ianto doesn't. Plus she seems to get along well enough with her father.


emily_hudson October 11 2009, 04:11:13 UTC
"Oh come on, Grumpypants McGee! You don't need to have experienced a third degree burn to be able to tell someone not to leap into the fire pit." Then she smiles. "Besides, nothing makes a teenager happier than to hear an adult admit that they don't have an answer. So, if you don't know, say so."


troellwr October 11 2009, 04:16:42 UTC
Ianto arches an eyebrow at the nickname.

"I have admitted my ignorance concerning her pregnancy," Ianto states. He's asked questions from both her and Jack, when it comes to it. He's also googled information, if he needs a quick answer.


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