(no subject)

May 13, 2009 09:50

There are speakers in the Nexus. This really isn't much different from any other day; there are, after all, always speakers in the Nexus. However, there is one difference. On endtables scattered near these speakers are four items - a rotary phone, a keyboard, a pen, and a large stack of paper (what, they're big end tables). The speakers squeal to life, crackling with static for a few moments. The last thirty seconds of a song plays before a DJ with a familiar voice starts talking.

"Welcome back, this is BHAL; Bhaal Radio, we're making a killing. This is your host, good ol' Johnny-boy but you can call me Jon, and I've got a question for all you listeners. What's bugging you?
"Let's face it, we all got problems and I'm offering a friendly ear. I'll even do one better, I'll give you anonymity. You don't want people to know it's you so they won't. So call in, type out, or hells you could even write it down if that makes you more comfortable. So I'll ask one last time, all you listeners in Nexus-land - what's on your minds?

"Caller, you are on the air."

((Every character's thread is considered locked to them and Bhaal, and completely anonymous.))
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