
Mar 20, 2009 23:56

"Here again ( Read more... )

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lil_miss_em March 21 2009, 06:57:45 UTC
"Mommy said she always wanted to go to Z-land. But, I dunno where that is." The six year old gives the man with another man on a leash a shrug. Her beagle puppy is sniffing the air curiously.


takesthespoils March 21 2009, 07:16:05 UTC
....Victor's puppy is sniffing the air curiously. And looking back and forth agitatedly between Victor and the little girl.
Victor's nose perks up soon afterward. "Not yet, boy," he mutters.

"Did your Mommy say anything else about it?"


lil_miss_em March 21 2009, 07:18:49 UTC
"She said it's pretty. An' green. An' that's how come they put hobbits there." Emily doesn't really get that part, but she likes hobbits. They have cute feet.

The beagle whines at Emily. But, she just pats the puppy on her head.


takesthespoils March 21 2009, 07:25:17 UTC
"Bet that's interesting." And he keeps his hand tight on Kyle's leash. Kyle looks so confused.

Victor looks down at the...puppy. "Like animals, shortstuff?" He savors the nickname like an inside joke.


lil_miss_em March 21 2009, 07:31:00 UTC
"Uh huh!" She gives him a bright smile. "I seen pictures. And it's pretty in the movie. Daddy said it's just sheep, but I didn't see sheep. An' then he laughed, so maybe he was just joking."

She giggles and scratches Greta's ears. Greta's not usually so whimpery. Emily wonders if she's hungry? "Greta's my best friend. Besides Daddy an' my bear." She holds up Benjamin for a visual.


takesthespoils March 21 2009, 07:44:17 UTC
"Oh, I bet your Daddy knows a lot about places."

Victor momentarily wonders why the child isn't half-Japanese. All of The Runt's brats were, unless you counted Pryde. Alternate universes were weird.

"Kyle here's mine. And what's your name, shoftstuff?"


lil_miss_em March 21 2009, 07:47:47 UTC
"Daddy knows lots of stuff. I ask questions all the time an' he always answers them." Emily is utterly oblivious to any wonderings. She just likes talking to nice people!

"My name's Emily," she answers him, but is looking at Kyle. She fidgets for a second before peering up at Victor curiously. "He doesn't look like a pet. He looks like a people."


takesthespoils March 21 2009, 07:53:42 UTC
"Sometimes it's a little confusing what's what, ain't it, Emily? Now me and Kyle....we're pretty much the same, except I can talk better." He gives her a fangy smile.


lil_miss_em March 21 2009, 07:56:25 UTC
"Uh huh." She nods solemnly. Things were very confusing for her sometimes. Especially where she lives and people are all sorts of things at different times. But, she smiles back anyway. "He's like your little brother?"


takesthespoils March 21 2009, 08:02:48 UTC
"Pretty much, shortstuff." Oddly enough, Victor's being pretty honest. From a very, very bizarre point of view.

Right, right, back to the issue of The Runt's little girl.

"So your family somewhere in the Nexus with you?"


lil_miss_em March 21 2009, 08:05:34 UTC
"I have two brothers. But, they're bigger than me. I'm the littlest." She tips her head to the side curiously. "What your name?"

She shakes her head at his question. "No. Daddy's at home, workin'. An' my brothers are in school. I'm s'posed to be watching cartoons, but..." She looks around to be sure nobody else is listening. "Anya says it's okay if I don't get caught."


takesthespoils March 21 2009, 08:26:14 UTC
"My name's Victor. And I gotta say, I think I like Anya's style."


lil_miss_em March 21 2009, 08:29:33 UTC
"Hi, Victor." She smiles again. He's funny! "Anya's real smart. She gave me Greta, too." She points to the still agitated beagle.

"She's my big brother's sister, only she has a different daddy."


takesthespoils March 21 2009, 08:41:33 UTC
"And what're your brothers' names?"


lil_miss_em March 21 2009, 08:46:27 UTC
"Misha an' David. Misha's the oldest. He has a pretty car." She thinks about mentioning Darlene's stories, but that was really hard to explain the last time she tried.


takesthespoils March 21 2009, 18:55:03 UTC
No Japanese names. Huh. Weird. Well, not that weird. How many times had someone tried to kill that frail of The Runt's? One of them probably worked in this kid's world.

"So what're you going to do today, Emily?"


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