Hai thar. Have a Morlock. A
Marrow, to be precise. Mind the large bones and face-jewelry. Very crunchy.
Sarah slumps half-seated on the armrest of a bench, the general area around her looking like some disused corner of a city park, complete with assorted debris and a half-open manhole cover. She twirls a small bone knife between the fingers of one hand, the was some fiddle with pens, seemingly uncaring about the sharp edges so close to the flesh.
"Went for ages, not trusting anyone... nobody except other Morlocks - disfigured mutants like me, without a chance in hell of passing for normal - because it was too risky. Too many chances to be hurt, be betrayed... be killed."
The knife slips, gouging her finger. A brief hiss of pain as the bone-blade's edge is anointed in red, before the wound swiftly seals closed.
"...but now I hear about a sanctuary... a kinda safehouse, maybe, for me and the other Morlocks down in the tunnels, where we can go, even in daytime, without fear the hateful and fearful human fools can sic their pet lynchmobs on us just for being... different from them."
She frowns, flipping the knife away with an absentminded toss that still speaks of the thrower's skill by the way the bony weapon still quivers as it embeds itself in the wood of the bench.
"...but I'm still not sure... I mean, the owner's human. A damn nice one, but still... is it worth the risk? I've... I've been hurt bad in the past by the evil side of humans and those who gladly associate with them, who tear your heart out in the same moment they give you a smile. I'm not saying I think she's like them, but... I have a lot of folks I keep an eye on, and some of them aren't really quick to understand things, and I just worry that they might get the wrong idea, and think all humans are as nice as a few - when that just ain't true were I'm from. And that might ge them in serious trouble."
Sarah sighs, sounding rather world-weary for one who still bears the look of a young adult.
"What do I do? I want to trust her... to trust humans... but I can't... even though she deserves it for offering such a sanctuary to me and the other Morlocks. What do I do?"