Let's do the Time Warp. Anyone? [AU Lorne, on the go!]

Apr 24, 2008 22:21

Standing right over here is a face you don't see around the Nexus too often, but for some, it should be a familiar face. Even if you don't know him, if you've seen him, you very probably recognize him. Because, in all honesty, how could you forget the suits? The horns? The green skin? The smoking?

Okay, the cigarette is probably new, for those of you who'd have half an idea.

So is the rather dour mood surrounding the demon like so much of a crooked halo.

He lights his cigarette with a nondescript lighter, dragging deep before surveying the Nexus. It isn't where he expected to be after stepping through that door, but he's lost that particular brand of innocence that greets new and exciting places with, well, excitement.

"So," he murmurs around the cancer stick, deftly hiding away the lighter wherever he got it from. Wherever (or whenever) this Lorne is from, he wears just as many layers of clothing, if not quite as bright dittoes. The smile, however, is just as bright, if not at all as genuine.

"Who's up for some truth or dare?"

Nothing like a juvenile game to get a party cookin'.

((So. Slightly older, bitterer Lorne here. May be mistaken for a time-LOLed version of karaokedemon, but can be seen as an alt. For he is. But if your pup doesn't know, your pup doesn't know, and will just have to find out the hard way. :D Let the potentially weird and indubitably awesome begin!

Edit the first: Dear lawdy it's getting late. Bedtime was half an hour ago. >_> Darlings! I'll be tagging you all in about seven hours! Promise!

Edit II: I return, before class!))


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