ADVENT : December 14th

Dec 15, 2007 02:10

The Grinch is back, this time looking much less self-important than before, standing in the five foot radius of snow next to a prettily decorated Christmas tree. Dejectedly. He scuffs his feet in the bitty accumulation of snow with much show, hands in his pockets. "All right," he begins, "I've been given a good talking to about the gifts I handed out last time I was here and been made to apologize." Oh, he sounds terribly apologetic and there's even a pout thrown in for good measure. Who wouldn't believe that pout? So sincere, him.

"So, consider this an apology and my attempt to spread a little Christmas cheer." He gestures towards the pile of gifts under the tree, all shiny in wrapping paper and done up with bows. "No one was too seriously affected last time, I hope?" Ahem. >:3

(( LOL Alert! No, the Grinch isn't really repentant about giving out the Deadly Sins LOL a few days back. In fact, he's so unrepentant about it that he's "apologizing" with another LOL. This one isn't as involved, very sorry, but fun all the same! The gifts received from the Grinch, when (and only if) used will result in an age change in the character who uses them. Older characters will find themselves younger and younger characters will find themselves older, inexplicably. Please feel free to define how old/young your characters are changed and whether or not they retain all their "adult" knowledge when made into a child or if they keep only their "child" knowledge when aged into an adult. The LOL will wear off eventually, of course, and more quickly the more often altered characters interact with Theta Lou. Have fun! ))

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