Aliens? In /my/ multiverse?

Sep 21, 2007 19:44

Suddenly there is the sound of hooves moving at a quickened pace. If one turns their eyes towards the sound they will find a very odd creature in the process of trotting through a nearby portal. It pauses, seemingly quite taken aback at where it's found itself.

The creature has a humanoid upper body, the arms ending in delicate, seven fingered hands. It's face too is humanoid in shape with an odd looking nose, no mouth in sight, and stalk eyes donning the top of it's head. The lower body becomes something of a cross between a horse and a deer with legs ending in cloved hooves, and a long tail with a scythe like blade on the end. You are looking at an andalite.

It's a confused sounding voice. In your head. Safe to say, it's coming from the alien creature. The creature swivels it's stalk eyes back to peer at the portal it just entered through. Keeping one of those stalk eyes on the portal, it swivels the other to look around itself as it's main eyes wander as well. It seems to notice the wide assortment of portals, doors, and odd creatures around itself. It's eyes light up a bit.

The creature sounds excited now. Oh, sure her kind had had many theories on such things. They knew it must exist. But they had yet to find it or any evidence of it's existence. One stalk eye comes across The Sign. Adele finds it odd. What if she didn't have a question? Why a question? Oh, well. Alien customs and all. She shifts her weight a bit and remains near her portal.

A pause and a look of unease if you can read alien faces at all.

OOC Notes: Adele is a female andalite. A canonical example of a female andalite would be this picture of Aldrea. Adele is similar in color to Aldrea though she has more bluish fur mixed in.
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