Aug 17, 2006 20:12
((So...have a slight plot idea going on with Derek and Jun where they're getting interviewed. Problem being that I'm really lousy at writing interview questions.
So...for those of you out there who have the talent, what sort of questions would you ask a couple where the wife is a well-known war hero, and her husband is a total unknown (foreigner) with very little public past and seems to be shy. Pretty much what the public knows about him is that he just popped into view last year, fixes vehicals, seems to be a well-trained musician (with no ambition towards performing), and helps out at his wife's restaurants. Keep in mind that Jun should be getting the lions share of the good questions, too, since she's the well known 'celebrity' of the pair and very much loved and more or less worshipped.
Knowledge of Gatchaman/Battle of the Planets when you figure into questions for them would be cool, too.