Ether walks into the Nexus through his usual portal. Tonight, he looks rather rushed - not to mention that he's dragging a large black case after him. The reason to this is revealed in several seconds, when the portal behind him explodes into hundreds of colorful pieces that slowly fade into the air
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Hurm. That, and my *she pauses* not-quite-at-all family is there, dead and alive. I would wish to return to them, if only to tell them where I have gone. The ones without access to here most likely think me dead.
Beyond those, there are the practical things. Money, for example. Money is important.
That's unfortunate. I've no one to wait for me, but I can sympathize. I wish you'll have a chance to resolve that, eventually.
...I never saw a big need for money. I make just enough to keep myself alive and supplied, but anything beyond that feels excessive.
Here's the key.
Thanks. How much do I owe you?
*Ether is seemingly oblivious about the horrible technology clash he'll experience while changing his lifestyle for a different century.*
I'll answer that in a second. I heard the explosion - what the hell happened?
A portal was destroyed. I raised it to access this place months ago, but leaving it active was dangerous now. So I cancelled it.
Nobody was injured, then, everything's fine? Good.
*She takes a moment to pull herself visibly out of crisis mode and think.*
I would most miss the connection. Once you've lived somewhere for a long enough time, it becomes a part of you. I know if I had to leave that eventually I'd recover, but for a few months afterwards I'd feel lost. Space travel regulars called their version of what I mean getting "vac-legs," if I remember it right. It's disorienting, like the ground doesn't quite click with your feet properly. All the smells are diffeent - the noises you hear when you wake up all change. I know that's how I'd feel if or when I ever leave Ryushi, because that's how I felt when I transferred to Ryushi.
Everything is alright?
*Ether makes a small pause, shrugging at the question slightly.*
Yes. Just several annoying problems that, I hope, will disappear in several weeks.
Yes, I'm whiny about that. Sorry.
Home isn't just where you live... It's where you feel at home. It's a serene feeling that's impossible to describe and horrible to lose.
"I see... I'm sorry for your loss."
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