Wow, I'd like to thank quoththeraven for emailing me about the table reg; I would not have known it was up if she had not contacted me! (I requested to be by quoththeraven and roserev in the alley; hope you are both there!)
So this means I am definitely going to Otakon! If anyone wants to help me with my table for the weekend, please let me know! I will be cosplaying 2 major cosplays...which means the equivalent of a 'day' away from my table. :( If you can cover for me during my cosplay times I will give you a free badge. :)
Me thinks Mousse might be interested if her jorb would let her escape for the weekend?
As for the hotel room; it's packed! (Need to recheck the pricing. I booked two hotels and need to cancel one of them. Also, let me know if you are not planning on staying in 'my' room. (I need to know these things.)