Wow, it feel like I haven't posted in forever!
I don't remember really posting about it, but I am in the process of moving! It is a move that seems like it will take a really long time. Just this weekend we found that we have MAJOR plumbing problems and can't use any of the water for a while. It's also going to cost us...It is a small house not very far from where we live now. Long story short, my grandparents moved into a new house and sold their old house to us. A part of me can't wait to move so I can start being a host again!! (I miss hosting events at my own house...) And no, I wont be alone. My mother and I are moving together. I wish it were a bigger house...but there is nothing we can really do about that now.
I am also trying to finish two of my ongoing projects: 1) StiTcheS book and 2) Precious Miseries book. For anyone interested in looking at the StiTcheS images, visit the
StitcheS gallery. I'm so close to finishing my StiTcheS book I can almost taste it! The PM book is being edited right now and who knows how long that'll take! My 'impossible' deadline for the StiTcheS book is the end of this year! (Let's see if I can hit it, or at least close to it!)
I did not make the Nanowrimo deadline. :( Too many things happening at once. T_T
I probably won't be making it to any Loli meets until I am moved/settled in my new house.
The next con I will absolutely attend is Katsucon. I look forward to seeing everyone there and hopefully someone will plan a loli get together! I am thinking of checking out these cons:
Jan 26-27 - Setsucon - 14-16 - Wizard World - 5-6 - Asian Karaoke Idol - 16-18 - Anime Central
And here is a picture of a coat I found at a thrift store. This is the pink 'loli' jacket I was talking about Kiyomi. I think that I can help it. Heh, it'll have to wait a bit though. Oh, and I bought a digital camera! Woot!