So, I just realized that my con dates overlap....
Feb. 16-18, 2007: Katsucon 13
June 29-July 2: 2007: Anime Expo
July 20-22, 2007: Otakon
July 25-29 2007: San Diego Comicon
Aug 31-Sept 3 2007: Dragon Con
(MAYBE! Not Definite.)
Notice anything? I do...I'll be in CA during Otakon!! While it's not positive that I will be attending the Comicon this year, it is a strong possibility. I will not know until Feb or so. Which really sucks because I've already booked 4 hotel rooms and was ready to grab an AA table for Otakon...which I might do anyway, just in case! (For those on my Otakon room reserve, you'd better pay up at the con, cash...if it shows I have the rooms on my credit card, I WILL kill. Not Bill, you. You=Instant K.O.) So, I am saddened, really, I am. Who knows, things may work out. (DEATH TO THOSE WHO DON'T PAY AT THE CON!!!) I still have room in those rooms. Of course, you have to go though my screening process because we keep things rated G. Being in those rooms is like being in front of millions of children; think of the children. G RATING. (Remember, a special place in hell for those who do not PAY and keep things RATED G.) And by G I mean like, back in the day, when women weren't allowed to show their ankles G, not today’s version of G, which is really like a PG...or maybe even a PG13.
Ok, I'm done. For the room entry, if you are interested, go
here (Remember, DEATH! Pay at the con...and BRING EXTRA MONEYS for the rooms because people always decide not to show.)