wb_land Writing Challenge Entries - Dawson's Creek

Sep 15, 2010 12:51

I was going to post these when the first phase of wb_land was over, but now it looks like it's never going to be wrapped up, so I've decided to post them now. These were all written for the writing challenges at wb_land. The first four are written as LiveJournal entries for different characters based on particular prompts (and one of which won the vote and came first place - although I have no idea which one). The next two are wedding vows for a couple. The last one was written for the member gift exchange.

Characters/Pairings: Pacey
Rating: M for swearing
Word Count: 224
Prompt: Family

Dear LiveJournal

Shall I tell you what my favorite time of day is? Those glorious few seconds in the morning (or afternoon if I'm particularly lucky) where you wake up, but you're not really awake yet. Those wonderful moments between sleep and reality where I can forget just how much of a fuck-up I really am; rationality hasn't yet struck and anything is possible.

Then it all comes crashing down when my dad's voice penetrates my conciousness and he's yelling at me to get my lazy ass out of bed. Which really makes me angry because this is coming from a guy who's had his breakfast cooked for him every day since... well, I'm willing to bet his entire life. The man's such a hypocrite. I can forgive human inconsistency, but he's nothing but a hypocritical bully - especially when it comes to me.

Today he was on my back about me not doing my share of the washing up. Now, aside from the fact that the man should buy a dishwasher like normal people, I'm aware of the fact that I should help out more. I just don't need to hear it from a man who I've never seen so much as pick up a dishcloth.

So yeah, more of the same from the wonderful world of Witters. 'Til next time!

- Pacey


Characters/Pairings: Jack
Rating: T
Word Count: 182
Prompt: Adventure

Dear Livejournal

So, dear flist, I had somewhat of an adventure today. I flirted with a guy at the hardware store. Well, I made eye contact; that counts as flirting, right? It does for me anyway.

Why is it so hard? With girls it was easy, well, relatively. Maybe because it was like a game. I was pretending to be someone else and I assumed an identity and played the role. With guys it's more real. It's what I really want so it's scary because it means more to me. Plus, I'm the only gay guy in Capeside and I don't want to be hitting on straight guys - I'll only embarrass myself and them. Or worse.

What I need is a boy adventure. Jen told me Dawson once said he wanted to be hers. I laughed because it sounded lame, but I totally know the feeling. I just want someone to sweep me off my feet and take me away from all the scrutiny; party all night and... y'know.

Who the hell am I kidding? It's never gonna happen.

- Jack


Characters/Pairings: Audrey
Rating: M
Word Count: 218
Prompt: Addiction

Dear LiveJournal

Addiction's weird. In my experience it's eighty per cent denial and twenty per cent blissful unawareness. I tell myself that I'm drinking because I want to, and twenty per cent of the time I believe myself. Eighty per cent of the time I just don't want to admit that I want a drink because it makes me feel nothing, which is better than feeling anything, which means that I need alcohol and am what is commonly referred to as addicted.

Wow. My therapist would love to hear me admit that. She'd clap her little hands together and resist the urge to do a stupid victory dance around the room. I bet it's better than sex for her. She's so annoying. Which is why I never open up to her. That and the fact that a pills and alcohol addiction for an LA girl is such a cliché.

So along with the denial, self-hatred and depression, I also have to deal with being majorly embarrassed at what a walking, talking stereotype I am. All I need is an eating disorder and semi-famous boyfriend and I'm all set for my own show on the Disney Channel.

I mean, really, of all the things to become addicted to, I couldn't at least have been a little different?

- Audrey x


Characters/Pairings: Dawson
Rating: T
Word Count: 224
Prompt: Fear

Dear LiveJournal

Joey did something incomprehensible today. So did Pacey for that matter, but nothing he does surprises me any more. They've gone for the summer. Just run off and... gone. Well, sailed, to be accurate, and my overwhelming emotion isn't anger, or hatred. It's fear. And I know this probably sounds unbelievable and childish, but now I have neither of my best friends I feel alone - and scared.

I can't believe they've done this to me; what the hell did I ever do to them in order for them to hurt me this deeply?

I feel like I've lost them both, my oldest friends, our gang of three. Now I'm just a gang of one.

I know there's Jen and Jack and Andie, but it always felt like Joey and Pacey made up a small part of what it means to be me. Now I've lost them, and what's worse is that I've lost them to each other. They're a pair now and I'm... a leper, an outcast.

I have a right to be hurt, don't I? A right to be scared for the future of our relationships? Although that's obviously not what they were thinking about when they sailed into the sunset.

Do you know what the really stupid thing is? I'm scared in case they never come back.

- Dawson


Characters/Pairings: Pacey/Joey
Rating: K
Word Count: 286

I, Josephine Lilian Potter, take you, Pacey John Witter, to be my lawful wedded husband. You have always been the one person in my life who has seen the truth in me and have always had the courage to tell me that truth. For a long time I ran from it, but in your persistence of truth you allowed me to see it too.

You make me feel like I can achieve all my dreams on my own; but together, you make me feel like we can achieve our dreams. Dreams I never even realised I had until we came together.

I promise to inspire you the way you inspire me, encourage you in all your endeavours and be as truthful as I can be, to you and myself.


I, Pacey John Witter, take you, Josephine Lilian Potter, to be my lawful wedded wife. I still can't for the life of me figure out why you're with me, but know that I feel endlessly blessed that you are. You light up any room you walk into and I feel honoured and privileged that you share some of that light with me. You have always been the most incredible, intelligent, beautiful woman and the best thing is that you don't even realise.

When I said to you that being in love with you was a simple act that was enough for me, I meant it. I will love you for as long as I live, regardless of how you feel about me or whatever situation we find ourselves in.

Loving you makes me a better man and I promise to remind you every day how amazing you are and to help you keep your light shining forever.


Title: Untitled
Author: punkfunkdisco
Characters/Pairings: Joey/Wilder
Rating: T
Word Count: 389
Disclaimer: I did not create, nor do I own, any of the characters. Not making anything from them.
A/N: Written as a gift for mierke and to rectify the complete lack of any Joey/Wilder fic out there.

As she sat in the library working on her latest English assignment, Joey Potter jumped at the feeling of warm breath on her neck.
“Professor Wilder!” she hissed, aware of her surroundings. “How long have you been standing there?”
Professor David Wilder gave her a relaxed, amused smile and replied, “Long enough to know you chew the end of your pen when you get stuck on the right word to use.” He sat down on the table to face her and gripped the edge with his hands. Joey smiled with embarrassment at the recognition.
“I go through about three pens an assignment, it's costing me a fortune at the stationery store. You should really go easy on us sometime.” She looked into his eyes, enjoying their banter and unconsciously giving him her most flirtatious smile.
“And how would that teach you anything? What would be the point?” He cocked his head. “Joey, you strike me as the kind of girl who's never easy on yourself; my going easy wouldn't do any good.” He looked intently at her despite her looking away. Joey picked up her pen and twiddled it nervously. “You're uncomfortable with close, personal realisations aren't you, Joey Potter?”
“I'm uncomfortable with strangers psycho-analysing me,” she replied cautiously, but looking her professor straight in the eye.
“Oh,” he nodded slowly. “Strangers. Is that what we are?”

Joey looked back at her paper in an attempt to write something and escape the conversation. Professor Wilder reached towards her hand and gently took her pen. She felt a warmth seep through her. “You forget, Miss Potter, that I've read your writing. Your deepest, darkest thoughts. Writing allows us to open up parts of ourselves we never even knew existed. I'd say that I know you better than you know yourself.”

Joey glanced around the room; they were alone. Her stomach flipped but she asked her question anyway. “Do you like what you know?”

Professor Wilder chewed the end of her pen before appearing to decide on an answer. He handed the pen back to Joey, lingering for a few seconds. “I do, Joey. I do,” he nodded, before stroking her hair and tucking a section behind her ear. “Don't be so hard on yourself.”

character: professor david wilder, character: jack mcphee, wb land entry, pairing: pacey/joey, pairing: joey/wilder, character: joey potter, tv: dawson's creek, character: pacey witter, fanfic, character: audrey liddell, character: dawson leery

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