Title: Permanent Conveyor Belt
punkfunkdiscoCharacters/Pairings: Pacey/Joey
Rating: K
Word Count: 334
Disclaimer: I did not create, nor do I own, any of the characters. Not making anything from them.
A/N: Posted
HERE for
paintingvisions at
comment_fic, prompt = dawson's creek, pacey/joey, "joey, why are you always running?"
Pacey dropped his keys in a bowl by the front of his and Joey's weekend Capeside beach retreat. Despite both of them being the most determined of their group of friends to get out of the town during their teenage years, they couldn't help but buy themselves a place there. It made sense, they told themselves, what with Pacey needing to check on The Icehouse and the two of them wanting to see Amy, Jack and Doug as much as possible. What they weren't yet ready to admit to themselves, or each other, was that both of them also felt a strange attachment to the small-town lifestyle. You can't go home again? Wolfe was wrong.
Pacey walked into the study, expecting to see his girlfriend diligently poring over someone else's manuscript, ready for publication, and earning her daily crust, or staring blankly at her laptop in another attempt to kickstart her own writing career. Instead, the house was quiet and a little chilly. He walked into the living room and saw a note stuck to the television. Walking over to it, he already knew what it said.
"Gone to see Dawson."
He flopped down onto the couch, sighing with a mixture of annoyance and tiredness. Joey always did this. They'd had a fight when Pacey had made a small mention of them possibly having children one day. It was actually a joke - with only a tiny glint of hope - but still Joey had become defensive at the prospect of committment. Now she'd run away for a few days, not even mentioning when she'd be back. The woman seemed to Pacey to be on a permanent conveyor belt, but it was OK, Pacey was used to it. It did, however, get on his nerves that she couldn't just talk to him about her fears. "Joey, why are you always running?" he'd asked far too many times for his own good. These days, though, it was different. He knew for sure she'd come back.
Title: Untitled
punkfunkdiscoCharacters/Pairings: Posner/Scripps
Rating: K+
Word Count: 582
Disclaimer: I did not create, nor do I own, any of the characters. Not making anything from them.
A/N: Posted
HERE for
scripps at
comment_fic, prompt = The History Boys, Posner/Scripps, Scripps' 21st birthday party (my misreading of the prompt led me to write Posner's 21st instead of Scripps's though!)
Most people were here now. He could see Dakin and Lockwood chatting to a couple of girls from his choir; Timms, Crowther and Rudge were getting stuck into the food and Posner worried there'd be nothing left soon. Scripps wasn't here yet. There were people from his course that he didn't know all that well, some friends from DramaSoc and the choir people. But no Scripps.
"Come on, Pos, can't we start on the cake?!" Crowther shouted, laughing.
The door burst open and Posner whirled round, only to find Ben, a lad he'd met in the library and accidentally invited - out of something to say more than anything. He smiled and pointed out the drink and the food, whilst searching behind him through the doorway for any sign of Scripps. He stared forlornly out of the door and played out their last conversation in his head, wondering if he'd said or done something wrong that had put Scripps off coming to the party. Why he was even having a party, Posner wasn't sure. It had been Dakin's idea and Posner still wanted to please his schoolfriend, even though the central idea running through Dakin's mind had been to meet Posner's choir girl friends. Posner had thought it a nice idea to get all the Cutler's boys back together, especially towards the end of their third year. But Scripps wasn't here yet.
"Hey, Pos, where's Scrippsy?" Akthar interrupted his daydreaming. Posner shut the door and was about to answer with a vague idea that he was running late when the door burst open again, a grinning Scripps innocently filling the doorframe.
"Here he is! Alright, Scrippsy, what you got there?" Akthar poked the bundle Scripps was holding. "Shit, I didn't get you a present, Pos, is that OK?" Posner told him it was fine, but didn't mention it was everyone's company he was after more than anything.
"Oh, Pos, another year older, eh?" Scripps flung his arms around the birthday boy and they shared a hug made awkward by the presents Scripps was clutching.
"I thought you weren't coming," Posner whispered into Scripps's ear. He hadn't meant to say it out loud, but the surge of relief was unexpected.
"Don't be daft, of course I was coming! I just had to get your other present was all. Sorry I'm late." His sincerity made Posner want to hug him again, but everyone was watching. "You gonna open them then?"
Posner smiled slightly and took one of the presents. He carefully started undoing the sellotape, trying not to ruin Scripps's expert wrapping, but also not wanting everyone to realise how eager he was to know the contents.
"Oh for God's sake, we haven't got all day, Pos, just rip it so we can get to the cake!" Timms whined.
Social acceptance confirmed, he ripped the paper down the middle to reveal a book. Turning it over, he read the title out loud, "'The Complete Poems' - Thomas Hardy." He looked at Scripps and smiled, wanting to hug him again but resisting because of what it might lead to.
"Now the other one," Scripps insisted. Posner ripped the second present straight away and almost dropped the video cassette in his enthusiasm.
"Brief Encounter! I haven't thought about this film for ages," he lied to the room, only seven of whom understood the significance of the present.
"You've got a video player, haven't you?"
"No, I haven't, but it's alright; we can just re-enact it ourselves."
Title: Diving
punkfunkdiscoCharacters/Pairings: Peter/Astrid
Rating: K+
Word Count: 275
Disclaimer: I did not create, nor do I own, any of the characters. Not making anything from them.
A/N: Posted
HERE for
enmuse at
comment_fic, prompt = Fringe, Peter/Astrid, She didn't know when she started falling
Astrid peered over the computer screen she was pretending to work at and watched Peter and Olivia having another intense discussion, probably about saving someone's life. She watched Peter's face tense up with disapproval and Olivia's hand run through her hair in exasperated determination. She stole a glance at Walter, checking he was still preoccupied at his microscope and hadn't noticed her staring at his son.
Things were always so intense between Peter and Olivia, it was constantly life or death. Maybe that's why Peter had come to Astrid that first time. They'd just completed a particularly difficult case, the paperwork to which Astrid was finishing up alone in the lab when Peter strolled in. They'd talked, joked, smiled, and without any warning he was stroking her face and looking intently at her.
Was that when she fell? Or did she fall for him every time he corrected one of his father's ridiculous epithets for her? She falls every time he's impressed with her contributions to a case; she falls despite herself because it's girly and pathetic, but the look of admiration on his face is addictive. She knows full well she's fallen for a patented Peter Bishop charm offensive and she's not sure of his reasons, but she's sure of her own. There had to be some perks to this job and if the best was a surreptitious affair with Peter, then why not?
Olivia and Peter had obviously resolved their conversation and were about to leave - to save the world, presumably - when Peter looked over in her direction and winked. She'd fallen so many times now, she'd long forgotten the first.