Fic Meme

Feb 06, 2010 10:32

1. Write down the names of 10 characters.
2. Write a ficlet for every prompt, using the characters determined by the numbers. Do NOT read the prompts before you do step 1.

01. Pacey Witter
02. Allan a Dale
03. Rose Tyler
04. Danny Messer
05. Ninth Doctor
06. Jen Lindley
07. Will Scarlett
08. Joey Potter
09. Audrey Liddell
10. Mickey Smith

1. First time, 4 and 6 (Danny Messer - CSI:NY, Jen Lindley - Dawson's Creek)
"This your first time with a genuine New Yorker?" Danny asked, obviously impressed with himself.
"No," Jen laughed. "That honor goes to...Brett Lewis, I think. You're my sixth, at least."
"Oh I see, that's how it's gonna be?" Danny's eyes were wide as Jen nodded, blonde curls shaking. He moved some hair out of her face and kissed her on the lips, hard and strong, trying to prove he may not be the first but he would definitely be the best.

2. Angst, 7 (Will Scarlet - Robin Hood)
Will looked through the doorway of his new house and watched the rain outside. He found comfort in the familiar wetness, if not the opressive heat, and it made him think of home. He wondered what Luke was doing with his life, if he'd found a girl or a trade and if he'd ever see him again. Luke and his auntie Annie were the only blood relations he had and sometimes Will regretted leaving them behind. His eyes would fill with tears, his throat would close up and he would wonder if there'd be anyone to let him know if anything happened to Luke. Or let Luke know if anything happened to him. England was so very far away now.

3. AU, 1 and 8 (Pacey Witter and Joey Potter - Dawson's Creek lulz, I promise I didn't look at the prompts!)
Dear Josephine,
I finally made it to England and I have to tell you that it's mighty depressing. I don't think this country received the rest of their color chart yet, the whole place seems to be stuck on gray. They have this thing called "rationing" too, which basically means you can't eat what you want and I haven't had a piece of meat since I got here! Can you believe that? I'm dying for a steak, how can a man go to war without a steak?

You know what they also have? A "blackout". They're not allowed to expose any light that might give German bombers an idea of where to let rip. It means you can see the stars, Jo. I spend so long staring at them my neck hurts and the lieutenant comes out all pissed, telling me to get back inside. As you can probably imagine, I just want to spit in his face.

We're allowed to go to the town near our barracks sometimes, but I don't know why I bother. They've got a movie theater, but all it shows is war movies and propaganda (like we need to be reminded we're at war) Dawson would have a fit. The girls are nice and they love my accent. You know I'm tempted, but none are as nice as you! I am joking of course, about the being tempted, not the niceness of your lovely self. I miss you, Jo. I don't know how long we'll be over here, no one does, but once we beat this eccentrically moustachioed German guy, I'll be home. Will you wait for me?

Love always,

4. Threesome, 3, 6 and 9 (Rose Tyler - Doctor Who, Jen Lindley and Audrey Liddell - Dawson's Creek)
"There's a joke in here somewhere," Rose mutters.
"A joke? A joke about what?!" exclaims Audrey.
"Y'know, three blondes stuck in a lift. It'd be gold to some stand-up comedian."
"The joke is that we wouldn't even be here if it wasn't for you," Audrey replies pointedly, flicking her hair.
"It's not Rose's fault!" cries Jen. "If you hadn't started batting your eyelashes at aliens we'd be inside that ridiculous blue box, on our way back to our safe little lives."
"Can I help it if the alien was cute?"
"He had red eyes and breathed toxic acid, Audrey!" Rose had never met anyone like Audrey, she talked to everyone and anyone and asked so many questions the Doctor had searched the TARDIS for a gag.
"We've all got our faults," Audrey pouts defensively.
"The good Doctor doesn't seem to have any." Jen smiles knowingly at Rose.
"Oh trust me, he's got faults all right. Try an ego the size of the Empire State Building."
"I like a man with confidence," Audrey nods approvingly.
"You like any man with a pulse by the looks of it," Rose grins.
"I like girls too," Audrey says casually. "And there's better things we could be getting up to in this lift than talking about boys."

5. Hurt/Comfort, 5 and 10 (Nine and Mickey Smith - Doctor Who)
"You all right?" he asks me. I nod, wondering why the hell he's asking because I know he doesn't give a monkeys. "I don't think you are," he goes on anyway. I give him a look I reserve for people who push in front of you at bars, but he doesn't miss a beat. "I know it's a lot to take in, new worlds an' that. Rose was exactly the same y'know, though she'd try her best to hide it."
"Oh, and you'd know her so well would you?" I can't help myself. He acted like he'd known her all her life. But he hadn't. I had. I was her boyfriend. I am her boyfriend. He's just some bloke she travels the universe with.
"You think she's drifting away from you, don't you?"
"No!" I lie.
His eyes bore into the side of my head while I try and ignore them. "She is." Why won't he shut up and go away, I don't deserve this. She's my girlfriend. "But maybe it was time. Maybe it's what you both need. Maybe one day Mickey-the-Idiot will be Mickey-the-Amazing because of this."

6. Crack, 1 (Pacey Witter - Dawson's Creek)
So I was laying on my boat soaking up the sun, right? I'm just minding my own business, testing my girl to see if she's OK on the open water, getting away from all my worries - and believe me I have a few - back in Capeside. I'm not too far out to sea, in case I spring a leak and have to get her back on land. I'm revelling in the beautiful weather and the feeling of owning something worthwhile, a smile on my face thinking about some things and conveniently forgetting others - like a man is allowed to do. This American's home is his boat. The water starts getting choppy, but there's little wind out there so I'm wondering what the hell's causing it. I look left, I look right; can't see a damn thing, got the bay all to myself. I lay back down but it's getting worse, I swear, and now I can hear a rumbling sound. This shit's annoying me, man, I came out here for a bit of peace and quiet. Suddenly - and I swear to God that this happened - a giant octopus rises out of the water, its tentacles slithering over the side of 'True Love'. It was orange. I thought that detail was important, but maybe not; however, what is important is that it winked at me. It winked at me. I didn't even know octopusses (octopi?) had eyes. I'm actually still not entirely sure that they do. Then, it goes away again! As quickly as it appeared. It was like something out of one of Dawson's ridiculous movies. And you don't believe me do you? That's OK, I would not believe me either. But believe me, it's true.

7. Horror, 10 (Mickey Smith - Doctor Who)
Mickey opened his eyes slowly. He was still groggy from being bashed over the head. Walking through the estate one night, on his way home from Matt's, he'd been attacked from behind. As his senses returned he realised he was tied to a chair and the room was dimly lit. Shadows occupied every corner and crevice and Mickey couldn't quite figure out where he was. It seemed like just a junk room. Tables, boxes, old televisions, gym equipment and rubbish leaned against the walls. Maybe it was someone's garage? His mouth had been securely taped over, so the only sounds he could make were useless. He wiggled his hands, trying to search out a weakness in the knots used to tie him up. It was no good, they were so tight he could barely move his hands. Anger welled up inside him and he nearly tipped the chair over struggling to free himself.

A shadow moved behind an exercise bike. Mickey froze with fear and his eyes darted about as he searched the corner, trying to see what had moved. Had anything moved? He stared so hard at the spot his eyes hurt. Nothing was moving. He relaxed and let his eyes half close, all the struggling had tired him out. Something moved again, the other side of the room, Mickey saw it out of the corner of his eye, but by the time his full gaze was searching the area nothing was stirring. He was sweating now, a hollow feeling in his stomach. What the hell was happening? Why would someone kidnap him and then not show their face? He struggled again and felt something brush lightly on the top of his head. He tried to spin around but the ties were holding him too tight. Something brushed his cheek and he tried to spin the other way and suddenly he was on the floor, a door in the corner creaking slowly open.

8. Baby Fic, 5 and 9 (Nine - Doctor Who, Audrey Liddell - Dawson's Creek)
"Can't we just...put it in a cupboard?"
"It's a baby not a packet of cookies!"
"I don't do babies."
"Neither do I!"

9. Dark, 2 and 8 (Allan a Dale - Robin Hood, Joey Potter - Dawson's Creek)
The girl he'd found walking through the forest had put up a good fight; his kidney was still sore from where she'd kicked out and his groin had narrowly escaped a foot in it too. Eventually he'd managed to tie her up, gagging her too because her barrage of insults were mainly words he didn't understand, they only ended up annoying him. He'd dragged her down to the river and she was laid out on the bank now. Her face and clothes were streaked with mud and her hair full of leaves. He gently picked them out as he leaned over her, realising that close-up her hair was different. He stared into her fearful but defiant eyes, breathing heavily after the effort of getting her here, and realised they were different too.

But by now it was too late. He couldn't have her walking around the forest for him to catch glimpses of from afar. His heart would race and his stomach would flip, his hopes would be raised only to be broken by the turn of a head or a close-up view. He couldn't have people walking around the forest looking even a little bit like Marian.

He untied the gag from the girl's mouth, needing and deserving whatever would come out of it.

"Let me the hell go!" she cried fiercely. "Let me go or else you're gonna sorely regret when I eventually and inevitably untie myself. My husband's a carpenter and he owns some very sharp implements.

Her tirade continued as Allan looked at her sadly. "Sorry, love," he whispered, and rolled her into the river with the rest of the girls.

10. Romance, 4 and 7 (Danny Messer - CSI:NY, Will Scarlet - Robin Hood)
"Nice, huh?" Danny held out the ring he'd bought for Lindsay whilst Will inspected it curiously. "Twenty-four carat and that's a real diamond. Doesn't get better than that, let me tell ya. She is gonna love this." He grinned as he rubbed his stubble and thought of Lindsay's delight. "What d'ya get your girl?" Will pulled his present from under his cloak and held it up for Danny to see, but Danny had jumped backwards, his natural alertness spiked by Will's suspicious movements. "What the hell's that?"
"A dagger," Will replied innocently. "I made it myself. I'm good with wood," he smiled.
"A dagger? You got your girl a dagger?"
"Yeah, what's wrong with that?"
"Nothin'...nothin'. That's...that's just pure romance, that is."

11. Death Fic, 2 and 3 (Allan a Dale - Robin Hood, Rose Tyler - Doctor Who)
" this Heaven?" Allan looked around the room, it was white like he'd imagined heaven to be, but he couldn't see any angels or clouds. Just this girl.
"Yup," she replied. "Or whatever you wanna call it."
"How the hell did I end up here?"
"Well I guess that's sort of the point, isn't it?" Allan looked at her, clueless. "You're not in Hell, so you're here." The girl was sat at an empty table.
"Who are you then?"
"I'm Rose. Rose Tyler." She propped her head on her fist and looked at him lazily.
"And how did you end up here?"
"I wandered too far." She stared out of the only window in the room.
"So what do we do all day?" Allan sat opposite Rose and stared at her expectantly. She turned to him slowly.
"Watch people," she shrugged.
"Watch people? What people? That sounds a bit creepy to me. Why are we the only ones here?"
Rose laughed. "You ask a lot of questions."
"Well there doesn't seem to be much else to do, does there?"
"Think about someone and look out of that window."
"Because you wanted something to do! God, you're annoying!" Rose leaned angrily back in her chair and folded her arms. She'd done this for so many people now and wondered when it would be her turn.
"All right, all right!" Allan held up his hands and walked over to the window. "What am I looking for?"
"Just think of someone."
Allan stared at the window, not really knowing what to do. He thought about the first person that came into his mind. He thought about her because he was disappointed not to have seen her; if he was in Heaven shouldn't she be here too? Were there different levels? Was he on the bottom level, because she'd be on the top level. With God himself, he thought. An image started to form in the window, it was moving and Allan jumped back a little in surprise. Slowly, the image cleared and he could make out the person moving about. It was Marian. He peered closer. She was in a room like his, the other person had their back to Allan and he couldn't see who it was, but Marian was staring straight at him. She smiled. He instinctively grinned back and Marian's expression changed to worry. She had realised her Allan was dead now too.

The idea for the last one was shamelessly stolen from 'Between Heaven and Here', a brilliant Wire fic by brennanspeaks. I know I bailed out on number 8, but...I just couldn't be bothered.

crossover: csi:ny/dawson's creek, character: mickey smith, pairing: allan/marian, character: joey potter, tv: dawson's creek, crossover: doctor who/robin hood, character: pacey witter, character: danny messer, tv: doctor who, crossover: csi:ny/robin hood, crossover: dawson's creek/robin hood, character: the doctor: nine, character: will scarlett, crossover, character: rose tyler, pairing: pacey/joey, character: jen lindley, tv: csi:ny, fanfic, crossover: dawson's creek/doctor who, character: audrey liddell, tv: robin hood, character: allan a dale

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